10 Dilemmas Every Big-Breasted Woman Suffers

One of the biggest beauty targets of recent times is the large breasts and many of the unborn women who are gifted with these attributes are willing to invest a lot of money in surgery to achieve the desires so full breasts.

For women who naturally have this characteristic and who tend to gain weight in the upper body, breasts are the first to report weight gain. In the days of the famous Premenstrual Tension, breast swelling can make them even bigger.

Despite all the advantages of full breasts and the constant pursuit of many women, the size and shape of breasts can create some day-to-day obstacles that range from choosing underwear, neckline and even swimwear.

1. Find appropriate body bras

Buying underwear becomes a challenge for women who have large breasts. The Brazilian market does not yet produce bras that have adaptable measurements for chest size and separately for the breasts themselves.

Therefore, it is very common for the bra to tighten at the back or to be small in the "cup", sometimes providing uncomfortable moments such as pains and strong bra marks on the skin.

2. Clothes that do not allow bra use

At a special event there are numerous dress models available on the market, but the vast majority come with deep front and back necklines, as well as the popular strapless dress. All of these models do not allow the use of a normal bra and sometimes require invisible bras, which do not provide the necessary support for the bulging breasts.

Thus, some women are very limited in choosing the dress and are often forced to opt for models that do not provide the sensuality that they intended to cause with the chosen model, because they find more closed dress options at the top.

3. Find the right swimsuit or bikini

The problems with finding the right swimwear are similar to the problems with finding the best underwear. Many Brazilian brands do not make models that prioritize the bust, focusing attention usually on the bottom of the bikini.

So it becomes a real battle to find a bikini that gives the breasts the necessary lift and favors, that they don't look floppy, and doesn't squeeze unwanted fat from the back.

4. Make sudden movements

Running down the stairs can be awkward moments for those with large breasts. When the body is in motion it is as if the breasts were given a life of their own, which is evidenced by bras or tops that are not so tightly fitted to the body.

The same feeling can be experienced when the car goes through a street with many holes. In these situations many women end up using 2 tops, one above the other, in order to keep the breasts safer and closer to the body.

5. Sleep on your stomach

In addition to all the other limitations suffered by large-breasted women, this limitation also reaches the sleeping position. Sleeping on your stomach may not be a good option, as your breasts are under pressure, causing pain and swelling the day after a night's sleep.

Therefore, it is safer and more comfortable to sleep on your side or belly up. The menstrual period increases breast tenderness often making them sore, and it is necessary to avoid direct friction of this part of the body with the mattress.

6. Choose the best neckline

A neckline garment can enhance a woman's breasts and body. But when the breasts are large, greater dedication is needed when choosing the neckline that best fits the woman's breast and body type. Excessive cleavage and lack of cleavage can damage the end result of the look.

Some models may put a lot of pressure on the breasts and make them appear even larger, providing a shortening aesthetic for the chest. Models without any cleavage can flatten the upper body, leaving it in great inequality with the lower part.

7. Button Blouses

The shirt is a piece of clothing widely adopted in women's wardrobe, especially for work looks. However, the piece also offers some adversity for women with large breasts.

It is very common that there is an opening between one button and another, showing more than desired. In such cases, many women resort to pins to keep the fabric of the garment in place and not show too much.

8. Cross Handle Bags

The bag with cross strap is a practical alternative to everyday life. But it can affect women who have large breasts, and if you usually wear a very heavy bag, the strap of the bag can press the breasts leaving the sore region.

The combination of the cross-strap with neckline can also be a trap.By adding these two elements together, the bag can bring the fabric of the shirt down and the breasts may be more exposed than intended.

9. Bruises caused by bra

Due to the weight of the breast, the bra strap is overloaded, often even bruising the shoulder skin, not to mention the bruises on the back. It is common for the region to become reddish and even cut the skin.

Have some companies developed products to alleviate this problem? rubber strap-on adapters that reduce thin-strap contact with the body, preventing injuries.

10. Sweat Under Breasts

The notorious pizza? of underarm sweat has gained a new version: the? pizza? of breasts! On hot days, this is a risk that well-breasted women run, especially if this sum contains an element called exercise.

The tip to avoid this type of dilemma is always to opt for more ventilated environments, avoid synthetic fabrics and whenever possible choose garments of cotton fabrics that warm less in contact with the body and let the skin breathe.

Being natural breasts or the result of cosmetic surgery, there will always be a way to value them and overcome adversity. The important thing is to accept yourself and always find a way to use your features to your advantage. It is also worth investing in good bras so that you have more comfort and the health of your back is not impaired.

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