5 Easy and Cheap Ways to Clean Silver Parts

Almost everyone has something silver at home. It is present in cutlery, jewelry, rings, cups, trays and even musical instruments, among other products.

Silver is a very beautiful and shiny metal that gives a feeling of clarity, purity and refinement. But any silver object needs some special care attention and periodic cleaning to maintain all its vitality and brilliance.

Over time, even the best quality silver may darken, and its indentations will be darkened in color, like a grime, or patches that spread across the surface. This is because of exposure to air, which carries dust, and the moisture that causes oxidation.

However, cleaning silver is simpler than it may seem, and if storage is careful too, you won't have to worry about cleaning for a long time.

Some specific silver cleaning products are for sale at markets or specialty stores. But for those who want to clean without spending much, there are some home made recipes that achieve results as good or better than specialty products. Make your silver look new using these simple ingredients and tricks:

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1. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is one of the oldest tricks that, although strange, really works. In its composition, toothpaste often carries baking soda or other abrasive components, great for cleaning and for shine. Use the common white folders.

Step by step: Always use a very soft sponge or brush. If not, prefer to use a cloth yourself to avoid scratching the parts. Gently rub the silver pieces with the toothpaste. Then wash them with soap and water to remove any residue and allow to dry. You can also use a flannel or soft cloth to polish and make the silver even brighter.

2. Sodium bicarbonate

Baking is the perfect tool for cleaning silver objects. But beware: Do not use this method for valuable parts, as baking soda is very abrasive and can wear out the most superficial layer of silver, but nothing that will damage the part. You can use this product in two ways:

Cleaning with baking soda and water: use bicarbonate paste mixed with water. Using a sponge, brush or soft cloth, clean the entire surface of the object, wash and you're done.

Boiling water bath with baking soda: For small pieces such as earrings, laces, clips, brooches, etc., mix a teaspoon of baking soda powder in a half-liter pan of water, dip the pieces and cook. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat and keep the parts soaked in the solution for a few minutes. They come out light without any effort. For a brighter effect, polish the pieces with flannel or very soft cloth. Attention: Do not leave the parts in the solution for more than a few minutes. If too much time passes, silver can be corroded and lose its natural luster. Following these instructions will make everything perfect!

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3. Salt

The simplest recipe made with the easiest ingredient to have on hand. Salt is also abrasive and recommended for various types of cleaning. For silver cleaning, you will only need a container and hot water.

Step by step: Soak the pieces in a container of hot, salted water. After a while, the dark parts lighten naturally. Then just wash with water and dry well.

4. Aluminum Foil

This tip is mainly for silver pieces with more detail and cracks harder to access with sponges or cloths. The aluminum foil reacts with water and returns the full shine of the pieces.

Step by step: Put the pieces in a container with boiling water and add pieces of aluminum foil. Bring to the boil for about twenty minutes or when the silver lightens. Wait a few minutes until the parts are clear, remove, wash with running water and dry well, polishing with a soft cloth if you want more shine.

5. Banana Peel

This wonderful fruit is not just for eating! Banana peel also has several uses, including silver and metal polishing.

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Step by step: Just rub the inside of the banana peel on the pieces to be polished and then buff with a clean soft cloth.

All of these tips really work and are very simple to do. But never lose attention to details such as the action time of each product. Even products sold in specialty stores can damage parts if misused.

How to conserve silver

There are also simple ways to protect your silver parts so that they last longer and without the need for frequent cleaning. It is worth investing in these tips to keep the silver always clean, shiny and conserved, ready to use!

  • Store in a dry place avoiding contact with cleaning products or other metals;
  • Store jewelry or small items in cloth or flannel bags, thus avoiding direct contact with moisture and dust;
  • Avoid storing dirty parts or leaving them dirty for a long time. For plates and cutlery, wash them after use and, if you cannot wash them freshly, soak them in water to prevent dirt from sticking further;
  • Do not clean or wash silver objects with a wire brush or heavily rubbed sponges. Even slightly, they can scratch the surface of parts;
  • Store silverware packed in plastic wrap. Pack well leaving as little air as possible inside and without a little bit out. This will significantly reduce the amount of cleaning required. You can also use tightly closed (and completely clean!) Plastic bags;
  • Do not wash silver parts in the dishwasher. Used products and washing dynamics can damage silver;
  • Moisture is the biggest enemy of silver conservation, so always keep parts completely dry and, if possible, protected;
  • Keep a separate soft flannel exclusively for cleaning or polishing silver parts.

With care and a little care, your silver objects can last for a long time, with all their beauty. Take advantage of our tips to make them last longer and better!

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