6 practical ways to open pots

Open pots? Some say this is one of the main reasons a woman marries a man. Joking aside, releasing the lid from those jars can not be the simplest task, especially when you are a member of the female portion of the population. Before you rush out to ask your husband, boyfriend, father, or neighbor for help, how about trying one of the techniques below?

1. Remove pressure

Most pots become difficult to open because air exerts pressure from the inside out. So the logical solution is to let this air out of the glass and then remove the lid more easily. To do this simply use the tip of a knife or the handle of a spoon, for example, inserting them between the side of the lid and the glass and moving them like a lever.

2. Use hot water

Heat has the power to expand the metal from which glass pot lids are made, which makes it a good ally when opening them. Just let the pot soak in warm water for a few minutes or pour it over it. Heating the lid with a hair dryer can also be a good idea.

3. Do not use your hands

The skin can be quite slippery when trying to open a pot. To end the inconvenience, is it worth investing in the old paper napkin trick? or shirt, or towel, or rubber glove. Using these objects can make the traction you exert on the lid much more powerful and therefore efficient.

4. Hit bottom of pot

The same principle of relieving pressure with a silverware applies to this technique, but it is a little less delicate. Turn the pot upside down and, holding it firmly with one hand, tap the bottom of the object with the other to force air out the sides of the lid. Then turn it over and open it normally.

5. Tap the pot lid

Hitting the pot lid against an object or furniture? Here you can unleash your imagination and use the sink, the counter, a wooden spoon, a tin can or anything else. Just blow the lid dry at an angle of about 45 degrees. The blow will relieve air pressure and the lid will come off more easily. Be careful if you choose this technique not to hit it with excessive force? This would break the glass and render its contents unusable and could cause injury.

6. Use a special tool

There is a kind of kitchen utensil specially developed for opening pots. It is a pliers-like instrument with various sizes of? Holes? that should fit into the lid by rotating the object next. In short, this type of tool allows the traction exerted on the lid to be greater. You can find it at stores specializing in household items.

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