7 good reasons for you to detach from some pieces of your wardrobe

Is your wardrobe so crowded that you are afraid to open the door and be overwhelmed by an avalanche of blouses, pants, and purses? Can't you find anything else in the middle of your own mess?

Well then it's time to fix it! If you are one of those people who are very attached to objects, it can be really difficult to get rid of an item even if you no longer use it.

With that in mind, we've listed 7 very positive reasons for you to take courage and finally get rid of that lot of stuff that only takes up space in your closet and in your life. Check out:

1. It will take you less time to get ready

It's not easy to find the perfect look for an occasion when the piece you're looking for is buried under a mountain of unused clothing. A crowded wardrobe hinders the visualization of your pieces, making it take you much longer to find what you want to wear.

By getting rid of those pieces you no longer use, your closet will be freer and more organized, allowing you to see all the options available and choose the right one much faster.

Also read: 6 Simple Tips for Organizing Wardrobes

2. Make room for new parts

Where will you put your new pair of shoes if your closet is already overflowing? If you simply decide to throw everything in, your shoes may crumple and even become moldy from lack of air circulation.

The same thing goes for clothes: with the wardrobe too full, it will be difficult to hang a new shirt without leaving it all rumpled.

Therefore, before buying new parts, it is best to make closet space, ensuring that you will have where to accommodate them. In this case, the golden rule is: Whenever you buy or win a new item, you must dispose of an old one.

3. You will create awareness about the items you already have

Who has never come home with a new piece and found that it already had an identical one, which was forgotten in the middle of the mess? Probably his money would have been better spent on a new piece.

By disposing of the excesses, you will become more aware of the items you have, preventing you from getting repeated pieces or stopping wearing your clothes and accessories simply because you forgot that they existed.

Read also: Joker parts for a more functional wardrobe

4. Renew energies and get rid of accumulated dust

Stalling energy is not good: unused, torn and stained objects only serve to gather dust, take up space and lock up the energy of the environment. With so much standing around you, can you end up feeling less willing? or have a rhinitis crisis.

By disposing of what no longer fits your present moment, you will renew the energies of your wardrobe and your bedroom, and this will surely be reflected in your mood. Make room for new airs to reach you.

5. Add a grain

Do you have practically new parts, but for some reason were left unused? Whether you have changed your style, lost weight, gained weight or for any other reason, you may be able to accumulate pieces that are in perfect condition, but you no longer like them.

This is the perfect time to put together a little money! One way to do this is by advertising your pieces on websites that sell used items or even on Facebook.

Or, you can get your friends together, put together a complete bazaar, and invite the customers. to the event. Not to mention that you can always exchange the pieces with each other.

Read also: Capsule Wardrobe: Method makes choosing wardrobe looks easier

6. Do a good deed

If you have parts that are in good condition but you no longer use them, how about giving them a nice destination and donating them to those in need? Needless to say, unfortunately, it is not at all difficult to find people who cannot afford to buy warm clothing or even replace very old parts.

If you are not sure who to hand these parts to, you can look for an institution such as vulnerable child shelters, nursing homes and charitable hospitals or ask your local city government.

7. Fully change your style and start a new life.

Did you break up, leave your old job or move out of town? This is the perfect opportunity to renew your style and your life! Remove the pieces representing your old? Me? and allow yourself to reinvent yourself.

Adopting a new style can help you get rid of the past and take on your new life, with dreams and goals that make sense to you right now. Sometimes external transformation is the missing help to complete an inner change.

How to dispose of unused parts and give them a proper destination

If your wardrobe is in chaos, it is quite possible that you may have difficulty getting rid of unused parts. But don't worry, there is a technique to help you with this mission.

Also read: 6 Effective Storage Tips by Guru Marie Kondo

The first step is to take parts you haven't used in a long time from the closet. Then you should separate three boxes, in which the clothes will be classified between? Fix ?,? Donate? and "throw away".

If you still like a piece but have stopped using it because it is untied, missing a button, or has a broken zipper, put it in the box to be stowed. This box should be taken to the dressmaker or shoemaker immediately, or you risk postponing it forever.

If the piece is in good condition but you do not use it because it is tight, no longer fits your style or brings you bad memories, it should be placed in the donation box, which will go to a charity of your choice.

Finally, if the piece is stained or torn, or if it is an intimate piece, put it in the third box? These pieces should go straight to the trash. Courage! This organization will only do well!

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