8 Tips for Getting Your Wedding Back in Time

Ever wondered why in the beginning of relationships Does everything seem so beautiful, happy and harmonious? This is because it is a moment of discovery yet, where one is kind to the other in order to conquer.

So that you and your partner will have the good feeling of a beginning of relationship, it is necessary that the two again conquer each other with small gestures and also give more value to their individuality and peculiarity. In light of this, we have selected some suggestions of what you can do to make the marriage go back a little while and you will regain what the beginning was so good.

1 ? Use the 3 sentence rule

The 3 sentence rule is to keep any requests or wishes to a minimum of three sentences. If you start lecturing on what you want, and stop paying attention within seconds, your partner may not take it too positively. So if you want to keep the harmony of the beginning of the relationshipDo not overdo the requests.

2 ? Solve Relationship Problems

If you have some unresolved issues, spend some time thinking about it. If necessary, make a list of what is not going well and break it down to solve one problem at a time. So you do not wear out and do not wear out the relationship by trying to solve everything at once. Carefully think about what you can do to improve each situation.

3? Get off the defensive

After a time of relationship it is normal for people to become very defensive against each other's comments. This is because with intimacy the filter goes in the comments and one or the other ends up being too sincere sometimes.

But, it's important to remember that your husband is a mate, who loves you and lives with you so you don't have to fend off the things he says or think he's trying to offend you. So you can return to the naturalness of beginning of relationshipwhen the two were kind to the words and not afraid of what they might say to each other.

4? Take care of yourself too

In marriage it is important to value and care for the other, but you must not forget your own value and that you also deserve care. For a relationship to be as good as it is in dating, it is essential that a woman take care and love herself. Women like that have an air of confidence that makes them even sexier, making their partner again that delighted boy with his way.

5? Make a list of qualities

List all the good in your relationship as well as your partner. This is a great way to value the good points and set aside the negative points of the relationship and your partner.

6? Leave behind what has already been resolved

If you have had a quarrel over some reason or even a significant reason, what matters now is that it is already resolved and must be forgotten. Did you, at the beginning of your relationship, throw the problems of the past into each other's faces? So let go of what is past and think about now and what you can do to continue to be happy together.

7? Remember that marriage is a choice

Over time, the couple may even forget how they got together. So never stop remembering the good times and the fact that you both chose to get married and be together. Isn't marriage a must and should you just stay married if it's still a choice, and a happy one? preferably.

8? Overconfidence can be dangerous

When couples get together, some are so certain that nothing will ever go wrong that they forget to strive to keep the marriage happy. Therefore, do not stop fighting day after day for the harmony of your coexistence, your complicity and mutual happiness. After all, no marriage is turbulent proof. Marriage, like a beautiful garden, needs to be cared for and watered every day to maintain its beauty.

8 Questions To Ask Your Partner Before Getting Married (May 2024)

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