Demerara sugar: Using it can make your diet healthier

Having a healthier life is not that difficult, different from what many people think. A few simple habits changes can make all the difference in this process.

A replacement, for example, is an important step in removing substances that may be harmful in the short and long term, improving the functioning of your body and reducing the risks of developing chronic diseases.

One of the great villains of healthy habits is sugar. But for those who love a candy, cutting it can be a big difficulty, right?

But you can soften its effects by replacing refined sugar with healthier options. And one of them is demerara.

Difference between refined sugar and demerara

Diet and weight expert Ana Carolina Candia explains the main difference between demerara sugar and other types.

Read also: Sugar is bad: why and how to remove it from your daily life

? The main differences are in the taste, color and nutritional composition of each type. I can say that the darker it is, the higher the concentration of vitamins and minerals. In fact, does white color mean that sugar has received chemical additives in its refinement process?

3 health benefits of demerara sugar

Replacing demerara can help improve your health! Ana Carolina Candia and nutritionist Regina Teixeira help us understand the main benefits of substitution.

1. Less chemical additives: "The whiter the sugar, the more it received chemical additives that contribute to the organism's intoxication," says Ana Carolina. Therefore, the use of darker demerara reduces the amount of toxins ingested daily in foods prepared with this food.

2. Improved immune and metabolic system: With a less intoxicated organism the immune system works better and consequently the metabolism does not slow down either.

3. Higher nutritional value: The darker it is, the better the nutrient conservation, as it does not receive chemical additives in its production. So brown sugar or demerara are the best options, because they have similar nutritional value and conserve nutrients ?, emphasizes the nutritionist.

Read also: Sugar: The Great Diet Villain?

That is, with the exchange you can use a more natural sugar, with less chemicals and less harmful to your health.

Recommended Quantities

Demerara, like other sugars, should also be consumed in moderation. This is because despite the higher nutritional value, the calories between them remain the same, as pointed out Regina Teixeira:

No matter what type of sugar, whether it is brown, demerara, crystal or refined, the calories are the same. That is, 1g equals 4 calories. So there is need for control for daily consumption ?, explains the nutritionist.

Even demerara can cause problems due to its glycemic index if excessive consumption occurs.

There is no estimated amount recommended, as it would be ideal to use no sugar, as expert Ana Carolina Candia points out. However, for those who can not do without it, it is necessary to have moderation in its use.

Read also: 8 Natural Alternatives to Substitute Sugar in Your Diet

The nutritionist Regina Teixeira gives the hint:? Consumption should be oriented and only added in need. That is, whenever possible try to eat the food without adding it. Opt for substitutions like honey, raisins and date recipes ?.

Contraindications and warnings about consumption

Demerara sugar, such as crystal and refined should not be used by those who have restrictions on this substance, especially diabetics and those who already have insulin resistance. In this case the sweeteners should be used. Regina recommends: • Sweeteners or sweeteners are options for anyone who wants to restrict the daily amount of sugar. Opt for stevia or xylitol ?.

The excessive consumption of demerara can bring, besides the risk of diabetes development, other damages, as Ana Carolina points out:? The most easily noticed is the weight gain. With the extra pounds the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease increase, for example.

So it is important to perform the replacement yes, but carefully, ok? This way you will be able to keep up with your health without losing the chance to continue eating your sweets. Share this post on your social networks and bring this content to your friends!

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