Hot bandage

Body wrapping is a good option for those who want to keep their body up to date and look good with the mirror. The hot bandage process, also known as thermotherapy, is very similar to that of cold bandage. The difference is that the result is by heating the epidermal cells.

The human organism maintains its temperature within certain limits through heating and cooling mechanisms. When activated, these mechanisms accelerate metabolism and thus favor the burning of calories, weight loss and reduction of body fat. The hot bandage technique is indicated to attack cellulite and localized fat.

How is the hot bandage made?

Prior to the hot bandage procedure, a full body exfoliation is required to remove dead cells. Thus, the skin better absorbs the active ingredients.

Then a heat-activating cream is passed all over the body which is then wrapped in a band or PVC plastic. Over the strip is applied an aromatic oil that helps to deflate and oxygenate the tissues, helping to fight cellulite and localized fat.

Bandages can also be soaked with salt or teas, such as chamomile. For optimal results, you must do up to ten hot bandage sessions at intervals of three to seven days.

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  • Cellulite, Body
  • 1,230