How to Avoid White Nail Spots

Formed by living cells, nails, as well as skin and hair, can function as a body assessment equipment, signaling the health conditions of our body. Transparent nails reflect good health.

If your nails are spotted, you should look at them to understand why and what to do in the name of their beauty and overall health.

The white markings that occasionally appear on the nails are called leukonychia.

Some everyday situations can make our nails more prone to the appearance of these marks, such as contact with aggressive chemicals, exaggerated effort, sudden movements, taking care of nails or small strokes. To maintain both good aesthetics and nail health, ruling out the possibility of having white spots, some care is essential.

How to avoid white spots on nails

  • Keep nails dry and clean;
  • Do not put your hands in your mouth or bite your nails;
  • Have your own manicure kit and sanitize it often, even if it is only used by you;
  • Trim the nails preferably in square shape to prevent clogging;
  • Avoid completely removing cuticles? use a softening cream and push them to the ends, trying not to cut them with pliers;
  • Do not use acetone, always choosing the nail polish remover;
  • Moisturize nails with strengthening active ingredients such as urea and ammonium lactate;
  • Avoid wearing tight or closed shoes for a long time;
  • Be careful not to have direct contact with nail cleaners in general.

Poor diet, especially when there is a lack of nutrients such as zinc, iron, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, according to experts; It also contributes to the fragility of the nails making them more susceptible to the onset of leukony. The nutrients mentioned are important factors for the metabolism of the dermis, the deep part of the skin below the nail matrix.

The use of certain medications may be another cause for white spots.

According to Anelise Taleb, pharmacist and biochemist at TAVE Pharmacy Manipulation, in São Paulo, leukonychia should not be underestimated, as it may be an indication of health problems that deserve attention, such as renal failure, heavy metal poisoning, anemia, zinc or protein, psoriasis or ringworm.

However, it is no use looking at the nails and despairing about such white spots, because only a doctor is able to correctly diagnose the presence of any change in health. Anelise only advises: "If the stain does not disappear or increase, it is advisable to seek medical advice for specific biochemical tests."

Some substances are allies of strong and healthy nails and can be used as long as you consult your dermatologist beforehand:

  • D-panthenol or pro-vitamin B5, which strengthens weak and brittle nails;
  • Keratin, responsible for the hardened consistency of nails;
  • Methiosilane C, for promoting nail regenerating action, as it favors keratinization and the supply of methionine, one of the protein components, for metabolism.

Properly caring for yourself with nail hygiene, a balanced diet and a physically active routine is important for your health to manifest by toasting you with beautiful nails.

  • Hands and Feet, Nails
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