How to fight open pores: Doctor gives 6 valuable tips

Those with oily skin often suffer from another very common problem: the open pores of the face. And because of the sebaceous glands, they become very visible.

According to doctor Lucas Fustinoni, excessive oiliness is not something that can be cured. But with some tips, you can control and reduce this problem.

It teaches some ways to make the pores tighten. But you have to do this often if you want to see an improvement. If it stops, the pores become dilated and open again. Check out:

1. Don't wash your face excessively

The face should be washed at most three times a day. According to the doctor, when the face is washed too much, the skin detects that it is not sufficiently greasy, which generates the rebound effect, causing it to produce more sebum.

2. Reduce milk and fat

Milk has some factors that will stimulate sebum production. Even skim, which has less fat, has some of these factors. The same goes for simple carbohydrates such as wheat, white rice, pasta, among others, which stimulate oil production and further open the pores.

Also read: How to close the pores? Know the best products and treatments

3. Use a less oily base.

Those who have very oily skin should avoid makeup items that may enhance this feature. The doctor says that imported bases tend to be oilier than those of Brazilian brands. Prefer to use those that have dry coverage.

4. Apply acids prescribed by doctor

There are a number of acids that can be used on the skin that can penetrate the follicle, cleansing sebum and grease and giving a more tight pore appearance. But no buying the products over the internet! A doctor needs to evaluate each case and indicate the cream.

5. Wash your face with a suitable soap.

The face should not be washed with ordinary soaps. Prefer those that are specifically developed for this part of the body and are based on sulfur or salicylic acid, which help to properly clean the pore by removing the oiliness and sebum cap.

6. Make an acid peel

Peeling should always be done by a doctor. This cleanses the skin from the inside out and greatly improves the appearance. But buying acid to do without professional advice is not recommended, as this can be risky and further damage the skin.

Also, doing aerobic exercises that generate a lot of sweat is also indicated because it helps to unclog the pores. Tallow that you can't get at home, either with acid or soap, high intensity exercise can remove. It is also important to drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated.

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How to reduce pore size (May 2024)

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