Know the benefits of cucumber consumption

Fruit of the cucumber, the cucumber can be eaten at any time of the year. Used in the preparation of salads, preserves, soups or sautéed, it is low in calories and contains significant amounts of carbohydrates and sodium, besides being a fat free food, cholesterol and gluten that fits any diet and offers numerous health benefits.

95% water

Cucumber is predominantly made up of water (about 95%), so it helps to control body temperature and blood pressure and acts as a powerful diuretic, especially in dissolving kidney stones.

It is also an excellent moisturizer when consumed as food or when applied to round skin or blended with a little water and honey.

Fiber Source

Cucumber is also an excellent source of fiber. Its high fiber content, found mainly in vegetable peel, maintains the functioning of the digestive system, helps lower cholesterol levels and fight high blood sugar levels. In addition, cucumber juice helps soften the acidity of indigestion.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

A medium cucumber contains about 8mg of vitamin C (powerful antioxidant, strong ally in preventing flu, muscle weakness, infections, and bone and tooth formation), meaning the vegetable contains more than 10% of the recommended amount of vitamin C. . In addition, it is a source of calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium, and helps in cases of diarrhea because, besides hydrating, the vegetable replenishes essential minerals.

Silica fountain

Another mineral found in cucumber is silica. Silica is found in the liver, kidneys and arteries and is a vital component of cartilage and joints. So is cucumber a powerful tonic for the liver and kidneys as well as giving strength to hair and nails? thanks to the high content of the mineral.

Other benefits

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, the cucumber is also soothing, refreshing, emollient, stimulating, helps combat and alleviate skin problems and dark circles. It can also be used to soothe sunburned skin or to reduce pores of oily skin. When beaten with sugar, the vegetable helps fight wrinkles and blemishes on the skin of the face or when beaten with water and some lettuce leaves, is a great remedy for hair loss.

Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens to Your Body (May 2024)

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