Stem cell pen promises to eliminate stretch marks within 4 months

There is definitely no denying that the beauty industry invests and invests heavily in the search for alternatives to increase the well-being of people, especially females.

For women, this is perfect. For example, if today you have an aesthetic problem that causes you discomfort but unfortunately has no solution, you need not despair because the chances of such a solution appearing in a matter of time are enormous.

And all of this has a logical explanation. In today's society, good looks, as well as a sign of health and personal zeal, can also be directly linked to loving, social and professional success. This fact makes, from an early age, many people feel pressured to search for an ideal of beauty and perfection.

According to the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP), in 2006 Brazil performed 700,000 surgical interventions, 15% of which were performed on adolescents aged 14 to 16 years. According to research, 70% of these surgeries were performed on women and 60% of cases were for aesthetic purposes.

The latest news comes to brighten the lives of women who are bothered by stretch marks: an anti-stretch pen that promises to solve the problem within 120 days.

What are stretch marks?

After cellulite, stretch marks are one of the champions of female complaints. They are white or red lines that usually appear in regions such as the breasts, the hips, the breeches, the thighs and the buttocks.

Approximately 90% of cases of stretch marks appear during pregnancy. They are characterized by a disruption of the elastic fibers that support the intermediate layer of skin formed by collagen and elastin, which are responsible for imparting elasticity and tone to the skin.

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks can occur for many reasons, but the main ones are the concertina effect, pregnancy, obesity, genetic and hormonal factors, dryness of the skin, rapid growth and even over exercising.

Stem cell anti-streaking pen

It is a cosmetic formulated with natural sugar, centella asiatic stem cells, a well-known medicinal plant used to stimulate human stem cells and a compound of silicium and salicylic acid.

How it works

In the shape of a highlighter pen, the pen is passed over the striations just as if they were marking them. It should be ironed once a day, right after the shower. Then just wait to dry and put on the clothes normally.

For those who want to use the novelty in summer, it is worth knowing that after an hour of use of the pen, it is possible to be exposed to the sun, because the product has no photo-irritating or photosensitizing action.

Stem cells begin to rebuild the inner part of the skin, giving back its lost elasticity and collagen. Sugar makes stretch marks, especially white ones, which are more difficult to eliminate, regain the color of the skin because sugar alters the pigmentation of the stretch marks, making it imperceptible. Already the compound of silicium and salicylic acid act by returning firmness to the skin and promoting a cell renewal.


Applying the product once a day, as recommended, lasts an average of 30 days, varying according to the amount of stretch marks of each person. The 30-day period may already be sufficient to cure the latest red streaks, while the whitish stretch marks take longer and the treatment may extend for another 90 days.

Where to buy anti-stretch pen

Anti-streaking pens can be purchased at a pharmacy for handling and have no refill. The average price of each pen is $ 120 with a duration of approximately 30 days.

The news is good and even affordable given the benefit offered, and if it does work, it has everything to become a success.


  • Body, Stretch Marks
  • 1,230