The best and worst foods to eat when you are sick

There is no escape from this: what we eat directly influences the health of the body and eating is important at all times in our lives and should always be taken into consideration. However, when we are sick, attention and care should be increased. After all, some foods have the power to restore our health.

"Healthy eating strengthens the immune system: even when the individual is already afflicted with a disease, it is critical for it to recover more quickly and also to prevent the progression of the disease," explains Alice Amaral, a specialist in nutrition.

Choosing the foods to make meals does not just mean knowing the best menu items. Knowing what to avoid is an important part of the process, as many common everyday foods contain harmful components that can slow recovery or even worsen the condition.

While diet is not solely responsible for body health, finding out about the properties of each food and understanding what types of nutrients are needed to restore health can be very helpful. While some illnesses require a doctor's appointment for a better diet, most common illnesses such as flu and gastrointestinal problems can improve with simple, easy-to-follow dietary tips. Check out!

Cold and Flu Food

When it comes to the flu, the first thing that comes to mind is a vitamin C diet. And, according to Dr. Alice, this is no myth. "Vitamin C does not cure the flu, but is an excellent preventive food, and alleviate some symptoms of flu (runny nose, malaise)," explains the nutritionist.

Read also: Healthy Eating: Habits and Recipes for a Better Life

But it's not just vitamin C foods that can make a difference: Propolis is also a very useful food at this stage. Rich in bioflavonoids, amino acids and vitamins; is a powerful antioxidant food with antibiotic action, being a powerful ally in the fight against influenza?

Apart from vitamin C and propolis, in case of flu symptoms, are some nutrients essential for the body's recovery and immune system strengthening? This is the case with vitamin A and zinc. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components, such as flavonoids, are also good choices.

Also, if you are already on a diet, this is the time to rethink what you are going to eat. At this point you need to invest in easy to eat foods without worrying about the amount of calories consumed. As the body is battling the cold, is it time to give up very restrictive diets? Instructs Mohamad Barakat, an endocrinologist who specializes in metabolism, exercise physiology and quality of life.

Check out the best and worst foods for your diet in flu periods.

Best foods

  • Avocado;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Acerola;
  • Coconut water;
  • Cress
  • Broccoli;
  • Cashew;
  • White meat;
  • Chestnuts;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Green tea;
  • Cabbage;
  • Spinach;
  • Bean;
  • Dry fruits;
  • Chickpeas;
  • Orange;
  • Lentil;
  • Lemon;
  • Mango;
  • Nuts;
  • Oysters;
  • Green and red peppers;
  • Propolis;
  • Tomato;
  • Pink grape;
  • Vegetables in general.

Worst food

  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Fried food;
  • Fat;
  • Gluten.

Food in case of gastrointestinal problems

When the problem is a gastric disease, care with food is indispensable for recovery. In addition to paying attention to hydration, it is necessary to consume fiber, vitamins and minerals.

One of the best foods in this case is lemon. “Lemon, contrary to common belief, is an excellent food to be eaten by people with gastrointestinal problems. It accentuates the alkalinity of the blood and tones the liver. Is it a purifier par excellence, detoxifying the body ?, comments Alice Amaral.

In addition, it is also important to avoid some foods for the recovery of health of the body. Everything processed and processed should be excluded, for example because of excess sodium, additives, dyes and preservatives that irritate the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

? You need to avoid raw and very greasy foods, and always maintain hydration, with water and coconut water, never with juices or isotonic ?, adds Mohamad Barakat.

Check out the foods that should be consumed and avoided in case of gastro-intestinal diseases:

Best foods

  • Coconut water;
  • Banana;
  • Potato;
  • Carrot;
  • Lemon;
  • Fruits, vegetables and vegetables in general.

Worst food

  • Industrialized crackers;
  • Gluten;
  • Sausage;
  • Mortadella;
  • Nuggets;
  • Peppers;
  • Ham;
  • Soft drinks;
  • Salami;
  • Sausage;
  • Box of juice;
  • Industrialized seasonings.

7 Tips for Eating Well When You Are Sick

• It is important to eat correctly and balanced throughout your life to prevent the onset of disease. If this has not occurred and the disease has set in, look for a nutrologist doctor who can properly guide you regarding your nutritional needs and help you in the process of remission of these diseases, advises nutritionist Alice Amaral.

Apart from the specific dietary help for each type of disease, some tips can be adopted in most cases for the health recovery of the body. Check out:

1. Avoid foods containing gluten

In general, is avoiding gluten foods a good step to help improve a disease? even if you are not allergic to the component. "Gluten forms a glue in the intestine, preventing nutrients from being properly absorbed and causing a decrease in the immune system," explains the doctor.

2. Avoid Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol interferes with the immune system and may eventually make the symptoms worse. In addition, it can neutralize or react negatively with the medicine being taken.

3. Stay well hydrated

Is this an important tip when you are healthy and sick? especially in case of flu. "Moisturizing is critical at any stage of life, and when you have the flu, hydration is very important for clearing mucous membranes and draining secretions," recalls Dr. Alice.

4. Reconcile eating with other healthy habits

Remember that betting all the chips on food is not enough to guarantee your well being! Health is a reflection of the maintenance of other factors, along with diet. Do you need to have a healthy lifestyle with stress control, physical activity and restful sleep ?, comments Mohamad Barakat.

5. Do not consume sausages

Embedded foods, such as sausage, are very harmful to the body. • Inlays contain many additives, preservatives and dyes, among them nitrate. The chemistry of these foods is unknown to our digestive system and can do very badly for it, overloading the liver and irritating the gastric mucosa? Warns Alice Amaral.

6. Avoid sodas

There is no single reason for drinking soda. It has no nutrients, is dehydrating, high in sugar and sodium ?, points out the nutritionist. In addition, soda can cause abdominal discomfort and increase gastric juice production, leading to possible gastric diseases.

7. Prioritize organic foods

"When we are fighting some risk of disease, the diet should be totally focused on it, so be mindful of organic foods, which are the most beneficial," adds Dr. Barakat.

The tips can greatly contribute to maintaining and restoring the health of your body. However, always remember that the cases and symptoms are different and vary from individual to individual. Therefore, if in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor and investigate your condition separately.

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