Why is red wine good for your health?

Just like food, there are drinks that greatly help people's health and quality of life. But you must be very careful that these benefits do not become villains and end up harming the body. One of these drinks is red wine.

Several international and national studies have indicated that the drink contains polyphenols, components found mainly in the rinds and seeds of grapes. Among these polyphenols is resveratrol, a substance that can protect the heart from disease.

Results indicate

To prove these benefits, the cardiologist and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo, Protásio Lemos da Luz, conducted a research with rabbits.

The animals were divided into three groups: the first, received only food, the second, fatty food and red wine and the last, red wine.

After three months, rabbits that received only food had an increase in fat plaques. The second had a large reduction in fat, while the third had a greater reduction.

In a second moment, the test was done in humans with high cholesterol: first, they took 250 ml of wine and after two weeks, they were examined. Then the group took grape juice: both wine and grape juice improved the artery's ability to dilate, which is essential for blood circulation.


Drinking moderately and with medical guidance, prevents problems in the urinary tract, digestive and brain. According to Dutch research from the University of Maastricht, the components in red wine lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

Wine also helps, for example, in the prevention of Alzheimer's and stroke. "Moderate drinking can help especially in coronary arteries," explains Cardiologist member of the Heart Institute research group, Marcelo Nishiyama.


Those with heart problems, such as heart failure, should by no means consume the drink.

ÜYou need to make it clear that it is not anyone who can have red wine or any other alcoholic drink. It is essential to seek medical advice before consumption. If a person has some stomach, heart, and other problems, they should stay away from the drink, Nishiyama recommends.

Should avoid drinking especially people with alcohol-related diseases, cirrhosis, high triglycerides, ulcer and psychological disorders.

Benefits Of Red Wine and Resveratrol To Fight Heart Disease and Cancer (April 2024)

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