10 calcium source and lactose free foods

It is very common for us to remember milk as soon as we hear about the importance of calcium for our health. But the truth is that there are many other calcium rich foods though without lactose? which becomes great news for people who are intolerant of it.

Amanda Regina, nutritionist and personal diet, explains that calcium is essential for the maintenance of bones and teeth and also has a primary function to act on muscle contraction and regulate blood pH.

"The lack of this mineral can generate irritability, fickle mood, impair memory, tingling, hair loss, fragile nails, among other symptoms," says the professional.

Daily recommendation

The recommendation varies according to age, gender, pregnancy and lactation. "But to give you an idea, an adult woman in her 30s to 50s should take about 1,000mg a day," says nutritionist Amanda.

Calcium absorption

Amanda Regina explains that to have a good absorption of minerals, it is not enough just to know the food source, but also to consider internal factors: digestion, proper functioning intestine and good food combination. It is necessary for a good absorption of calcium to be combined with another mineral, magnesium, and the body to be in an alkaline state. That is, when the body's pH is acidic, it deviates the absorption of calcium from bone to maintain blood and absorption to bone is impaired, he says.

The nutritionist points out that are foods that alkalize the blood: fruits, dark green vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, escarole, etc.) and also whole grains. In contrast, they are acidifying foods: candy, soda, excess animal protein etc. And they are good sources of calcium (combined with magnesium for better absorption): sardines, manjuba, horsetail, among others. Already milk is rich in calcium, but poor in magnesium ?, says.

Lactose intolerance

Amanda Regina explains that many people are intolerant to lactose, which is milk sugar, and also to casein, which is milk protein. • For this, a nutritionist or physician assessment is required to know if this is your case. But one suggestion for those with lactose intolerance is to use lactose free foods. or vary with goat's milk, sheep's milk or vegetable milk (almonds, rice, etc., which are usually enriched with calcium) ?, he says.

More food sources of calcium

Below do you check a list with other foods? easily found? which are sources of calcium:

1. Spinach: It is an antioxidant food, source of fiber and also rich in calcium. Each 100 g of the vegetable contains about 160 mg of the nutrient. Vegetable can be eaten alone in salads, snacks or cooked.

2. Broccoli: Raw broccoli contains 400 mg of calcium in 100 g, but the recommendation is to consume it cooked or steamed. Thus, when subjected to cooking, it loses about 70% of the initial amount of calcium; already in steam, it loses about 25% of the initial amount. The tip then is to bet on steamed broccoli and take advantage of its other nutrients such as folic acid, antioxidants, fiber and vitamins A and C.

3. Sardines: Well known for being a source of Omega 3, it also provides significant amount of calcium, each 100 g provides 500 mg of the mineral. The fish can be eaten baked, grilled or in pate.

4. Tofu: in 100 g of tofu there is 159 mg of calcium. The problem, however, is that we absorb calcium better from animal foods than from plant foods. But nonetheless, soybean is a good source of the nutrient, it is also rich in protein, phosphorus and magnesium, and has few calories.

5. Sesame Seed: It is known for its high concentration of fibers. But other nutrients, such as calcium, are also found in the seed: they are 400 mg of calcium in every 100 g of the food.

6. Flaxseed: In 100 g of flaxseed there are about 200 mg of calcium, but care must be taken not to overdo this very caloric food.

7. Soy: The vegetable is rich in calcium, has 90 mg of the mineral every 100 g. Its versions of flour or milk present the nutrient in even greater concentration.

8. Chickpeas: For each 100 g of the food, 120 mg of calcium are obtained. Another advantage of the food is the feeling of satiety, besides the improvement of the intestinal flow.

9. Oats: It is also high in calcium, offering about 300 mg of the mineral for every 100 g of the cereal. It can be used in bread and cake recipes or mixed with porridge or fruit.

10. Chia: It is a seed rich in omega 3, fiber, iron, protein and even 100 g of the food contains about 556.8 mg of calcium.

You now know the functions of calcium and great food choices that are sources of it. But remember that they must be associated with a complete and healthy diet, preferably guided by a nutritionist, so that all of these benefits from calcium absorption are actually enjoyed.

Mayo Clinic Minute: How to get calcium without dairy products (April 2024)

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