Learn a coffee grounds trick to treat cellulite

If you're a coffee lover and can't start your day before having a nice cup, you'll love to know that beans can make you look better too.

In addition to increasing life expectancy when taken, coffee, when applied to the skin, can help decrease cellulite! Best of all, this trick uses coffee grounds, so you don't waste anything.

The secret to this tip is caffeine, the substance that makes us most active when drunk and has the power to stimulate circulation when applied to the skin.

As a result, there is an increase in blood flow and oxygen supply, carrying more nutrients to the regions where you applied the coffee grounds and providing a higher rate of toxin clearance.

The result, as you can imagine, is a reduction in that all-skinned appearance typical of areas with cellulite. Are you curious? So let's get to the trick!

Read also: How to pass the cream against cellulite?

How to Make a Coffee grounds Scrub

There are several possible recipes for making a coffee grounds exfoliator to combat cellulite. For this trick, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of coffee grounds
  • ½ cup refined sugar
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil

To prepare the recipe, you must mix the coffee grounds with the sugar until smooth. Melt coconut oil in microwave and add to mixture. If you do not have coconut oil, you can use olive oil or even a bath oil. Mix well and store in a jar for use in the bath.

You can apply this recipe two to three times a week by massaging the regions affected by cellulite. Rinse well, wash normally and apply your usual moisturizer.

What is cellulite

Cellulite can be found in any area of ​​the body that has subcutaneous adipose tissue, although it is more common in regions such as the thighs and buttocks.

Cellulite affects 85% to 98% of women of all ethnicities who have passed through adolescence. Although this condition is not associated with any health risk, it is considered a major aesthetic problem for millions of women.

Read also: How to fight cellulite and localized fat with the modeling massage

There are several aspects that contribute to the emergence of cellulite, such as genetic predisposition, hormonal factors, type of diet and physical inactivity.

Does caffeine really work?

According to a study done at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, caffeine can really lend a hand in treating cellulite. The survey was conducted in 2006 with 134 women aged 20 to 39 years with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of a 7% caffeine solution to treat cellulite.

To do so, study participants should apply caffeine solution to only one leg (thigh and hip) so that it could be compared to the other leg at the end of the survey. The product should be applied twice a day, morning and evening.

The research took into account microcirculatory parameters such as concentration and diameter of capillaries, as well as clinical parameters such as thigh and hip measurements.

At the end of the study, the researchers realized that there was little change in microcirculatory parameters, suggesting that the research period (30 days) may not be sufficient for the 7% caffeine solution to take effect.

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Nevertheless, the study also found that more than 80% of women had a very significant reduction in the circumference of the thigh treated with the product. On average, there was a decrease of 2.1 cm at the top of the thigh and 1.7 cm at the bottom. In addition, 68% of patients also had a reduction in hip circumference.

Thus, although microcirculation did not show significant alterations, the patients observed an improvement in the appearance of cellulite due to the reduction of the measurements and the reduction of the swelling caused by fluid accumulation in the interstitial tissue.

Wow! So does the coffee grounds trick work?

The answer is: more or less. To understand why, one must consider that the study that demonstrated the effectiveness of caffeine used a 7% caffeine solution with molecules that can penetrate human skin.

When we apply the coffee grounds, the caffeine concentration is much lower, around 0.1%, and the molecules are not free to be absorbed.Thus, caffeine in coffee grounds would not be that efficient.

But you still don't have to be discouraged: Even if caffeine can't penetrate your skin, just exfoliating helps activate circulation and remove dead cells. In addition, the oil applied on the spot provides excellent hydration, and all this is able to improve the appearance of your skin. Worth trying.

Read also: Manthus: Cellulite Improvement and Localized Fat Reduction

Use Coffee Grounds to Reduce Cellulite (April 2024)

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