11 foods to prevent osteoporosis

Healthy bones are essential for a strong skeletal system that protects all organs and gives structure to the human body.

To keep them healthy, should we include foods appropriate to our routine, giving preference to those that can help prevent osteoporosis? condition in which bones are weak and prone to injury.

Important Information About Calcium In Osteoporosis

When we talk about osteoporosis, the first thing that comes to people's minds is the need for calcium, however, it is important to know that it alone does not form bones. Bone formation requires various nutrients such as vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, vitamin K, silicon and others. For this reason, calcium and / or vitamin D supplements alone have not been so efficient ?, explains nutritionist Daniela Mendes Tobaja, postgraduate in Exercise Physiology from Unifesp and postgraduate student in Functional Clinical Nutrition from UNICSUL-VP. .

According to the professional, the main sources of calcium are dark green leaves, milk and dairy products. However, it is very important to highlight that the calcium present in milk and dairy products is of low bioavailability, ie, of low absorption (20%). This means that to reach the need for calcium only, would require a large amount of these foods and still hardly form bone mass, due to the deficiency of other nutrients in this food group ?, explains.

"Broccoli calcium, for example, has good bioavailability, three times more (60%) than milk and dairy products, and the presence of other nutrients such as zinc, copper, boron, magnesium etc.", adds the nutritionist. .

Based on this information, several scientific studies have observed that countries with a high consumption of milk and dairy products, such as Australia, New Zealand and North America have the highest incidence of osteoporosis, nutritionist Daniela Mendes Tobaja points out, while the population of China and Japan (which has lower consumption of these foods) has lower incidence of the disease.

Therefore, the way to prevent osteoporosis is to include nutrient-rich foods with good bioavailability. Exposure to sunlight is also necessary to maintain good levels of vitamin D, exercise and good intestinal health for better absorption of nutrients, explains the professional.

Considering all this information, nutritionist Daniela has made a list of suggested nutrient-rich foods mentioned above that can greatly help in preventing osteoporosis.

Foods that are allied against osteoporosis

  1. Broccoli
  2. Sesame
  3. Cabbage and other dark leaves
  4. Okra
  5. Linseed
  6. Chia
  7. Oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, nuts)
  8. Sardines, Salmon
  9. Beans (suggestion: white)
  10. Fruits (banana, orange, among others)
  11. eggs

In short, they are tasty, easy-to-find foods that are sure to only have health benefits and prevent your bones from weakening.

Giving Osteoporosis a Workout (April 2024)

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