20 Simple Tips For Becoming An Even Better Mother

Those with children are often under pressure from how they are raising children. So many opinions lead to questions and often blame.

But the truth is that all children need is love and attention. So don't mind what others say and always remember: you are already a great mom!

But if you are looking for ways to be even better? what doesn't hurt anybody? This list shows 20 simple things that can help:

1. Leave the electronics aside for a while

Many parents wonder what the perfect time would be for their children to use their phones and tablets, but forget to watch the time they spend on their devices themselves. Children, of course, realize when parents are paying more attention to their cell phones than to them. Then set periods away from appliances.

Better than focusing on your phone, checking social networks, or even taking the best pictures of little ones, is establishing connections and moments that will be remembered forever.

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2. Take time to take care of yourself.

It is common to feel tired and exhausted by the pace of work taking care of children and often reconciling with other services at home or away. Having your own time, whether a few hours a day or a whole day each week, will make you a better mother. Take the time to go for a manicure, walk around the block, take a long shower, anything that helps recharge your battery so you can get back to your kids calmer, more relaxed and ready to take on a new day.

3. Decrease the number of children's activities.

Is it natural to want to fill children's schedules with activities that will be enriching for them, be it a sport, a new language? But allowing them time to relax, play and especially to be with you is also very important. And both they and you will be less stressed.

4. Ask questions that inspire meaningful answers.

If you ask how was the day or how was the class, possibly the answer will be "all right". But if you ask questions in other ways to provoke thought, chances are you will receive more honest and meaningful answers.

5. And really listen to the answers

Sometimes children have a lot to say. And listening to everything can help you understand more clearly what you are feeling or realize if something is happening that you did not know. Also, knowing that you are always willing to listen to them makes them more open and that leaves parents and children more involved for life.

6. Stop Seeking Perfection

It is common to compare with other mothers. But looking at the lives of bloggers who post about great times with their kids or other moms at school that look great can make you think you're doing the wrong thing, which isn't true! Get rid of this idea of ​​perfection, as it is impossible to be the perfect mother, and focus on what really matters to you. This will lessen stress and consequently facilitate relationship with children.

Read also: Children: How to Teach Right and Wrong?

7. Make Positive Comments for Your Children

Encouraging words can have a lasting effect for years and years. Even if spoken in childhood, they can help make them grow safer and bolder adults. Also, saying positive things makes them happy and they will surely remember that in the difficult times.

8. Stop Doing Everything for Your Children

This habit is really tempting but can end up being harmful in the long run. So the ideal is to teach, appropriately for each age and situation, that they learn to have autonomy. Show me how to make simple snacks, give them some homework assignments, only help with homework when they really need assistance? Handing everything over will be a disservice to them and to you.

9. Be present

When you are with your children, be really with them. Play as best you can, play, laugh, do activities together, have fun. Leave the worries aside? Some things can wait and your children will not be children forever. Enjoy!

10. Ask for help

It is not weakness to assume that you need help. Being aware of it and being able to express it will strengthen you. Whether it is for your partner, mother, family member, friend or even your child's pediatrician. Be sure to talk when you need it.

11. Once a week do something to really connect with each child

Whether it's a neighborhood walk, a trip, it doesn't matter. What counts is to do something that will really connect you with each child. If you have more than one, do it separately. This individual bonding time with each other is necessary for them to feel special, valued, and to have their full attention, even for a short time.

Read also: How not to spoil your children too much

12. Be transparent about important issues.

Being transparent with children as young as they may be, even if matters are difficult or considered taboo, is necessary. Death, bullying, sex and consent, among others, should be spoken openly and honestly. This will show that they are normal business and, more importantly, that they can open up to you when they have any concerns or questions.

13. Hire a Nanny

When you can't handle everything and the stress is taking over, hire someone who can stay with your children even for a few moments while you take a shower or go shopping. It will be nice to have time to get your life in order and feel more relaxed.

14. Be the example you would like your children to follow

From the first day of a baby's life, mother and father are the role models. Children copy everything their parents do, they want to be as they are. More important than talking is setting a good example, a positive role model for them to follow.

15. Celebrate the Little Things

No need to wait for the birthday or the delivery day of the newsletter. Show the children that small victories and accomplishments deserve to be celebrated, whether by taking a walk or having an ice cream. They will always remember those moments.

16. Invent a New Tradition

Creating new family traditions can be a lot of fun. Some suggestions: celebrate half a birthday, do a dance performance every year at Christmas, set a dinner plate together on a particular day of the week, watch the same movie every holiday? These are fun and easy-to-do examples that will generate fun and, in the future, a good nostalgia for everyone.

Read also: 12 options to have fun with the kids during the holidays

17. Take time to be with your partner.

Isn't it simple to maintain a relationship, especially when one? or both ? have children. So it is important to take time to enjoy the two. Is it worth determining a night on regular dates, taking a trip? The important thing is to be with the person, without touching the subject children, only rescuing the romanticism and living every moment.

18. Give Children Experiences, Not Things

The main memories children will take from childhood are the experiences they had, not the toys or other material things they gained. Presenting them with individual experiences, such as some sporting activity, a walk, a family event, a trip, among others, will mark the memory.

19. Let Your Children Be Children

Time flies and childhood does not last forever. So let your children be small and free as long as they can and enjoy this time with them. Pay attention to simple moments such as a walk, a joke, a conversation, even if the questions are repetitive or difficult.

20. Trust yourself and your decisions.

If someone comes up with an advice or opinion you didn't ask for, ignore it. You know your children and know what is best for them, so trust your club in making decisions rather than listening to others. Do it your way, not the way other moms do.

Sometimes a simple change can help you create even more special times for you and your children. How about putting these little things into practice?

Things I'd Do Differently As A Mom | Tay from Millennial Moms (May 2024)

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