5 reasons to start eating more beets

Usually, right after the tomato, amidst those various possibilities for lunch salads at the kilo restaurant, they are: the beets. Almost exclusively colored, this vegetable may not be unanimous among humans, but does it have a number of beneficial properties? which is why it should be more broadly adapted to people's daily routine.

Nutritionist and doctor of traditional natural medicine, Michelle Schoffro Cook, in her book "The Life Force Diet", brings some of these properties.

1 ? Beetroot is rich in nutrients

Folic acid, manganese, potassium and vitamin C are just some of the nutrients contained in beets. For certain groups of people, these nutrients are especially indicated. Pregnant women, for example, need to consume a lot of folic acid, especially in early pregnancy? If they knew how rich this beet is in this component, many of these women's problems would be solved, since it is enough to include the vegetable in the menu to enjoy its benefits.

2 ? Beet contains betaine

Betaine is a compound that can help reduce various types of inflammation. For this reason, it is effective in reducing the effects of aging and various diseases. To make the most of this beet property, the nutritionist recommends that it be eaten raw.

3? Beet Helps Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a disease that develops from anomalous cells. Some research in this regard has proven that the fiber found in sugar beet is an important ally in combating the disease, as it increases the immune compounds responsible for eliminating cells with this characteristic before they become cancerous.

Also, does the beet still have the so-called phytonutrients? proanthocyanidins - which give it its peculiar coloration. It turns out that these phytonutrients, like vegetable fibers, are also powerful cancer fighters.

4? Beet Could Help Purify Blood

For many years, beet consumption was often recommended for its blood purifying characteristic. The fact is that its properties protect the circulatory and immune systems, strengthen the blood and help fight anemia, and are very useful in fighting kidney stones.

5? Beetroot is fundamental to the proper functioning of various organs.

Livers, kidneys and gallbladders, for example, have their functioning enhanced when beets are included in the diet. Women with very long menstrual cycles, who may develop anemia due to blood loss, may beet as a natural medicine during these periods. Another group of women who can benefit from this vegetable are those who have entered menopause? According to some research, the effects of this phase can be minimized with the consumption of sugar beet.

Cook stresses the importance of consuming beets several times a week. It is a versatile food that can be easily integrated into the diet. Whether in soup, salad or steamed, always brings a color and extra nutritional reinforcement to the meal. However, most of its properties can be lost when food is cooked, so it is advisable to give preference to its raw form.

Mayo Clinic Minute: The benefits of beets (May 2024)

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