6 Factors That Make You A Delightful Target For Mosquitoes

Being bitten by mosquitoes is not pleasant at all and when you are the only one in a group being attacked? the feeling of annoyance only increases.

If you are one of these people, do not feel bad, there are many factors that attract mosquitoes and many of them are innate or uncontrollable.

“We have a multitude of insects that bite, suck blood and with this blood finish the production of their eggs. But while everyone knows there are mosquitoes everywhere, do some people seem even more susceptible ?, says Dr. Ana Paula Moschione Castro, ASBAI director? Brazilian Association of Allergy and Allergy and Immunology.

Check out some of these factors and learn how to try to deal with such a situation by keeping mosquitoes away from you!

1. Your house

According to Dr. Ana Paula, humid places tend to attract mosquitoes. "Certainly, the most exposed populations are those who live in places with high humidity, who leave their homes in the early morning or late afternoon return," says the doctor.

Also Read: 10 Ways To Mitigate Symptoms Of Insect Bites

2. Your genetics

Studies have shown that the attraction of mosquitoes is linked to genetic factors such as your blood type or the characteristics of your skin.

3. Your carbon dioxide rate

Mosquitoes are also attracted by the high rate of carbon dioxide, which they use to identify humans. People who breathe deeper and often tend to be more? Attacked? by the insects.

4. Your sweating

Bacteria in sweat also act as an attractive factor for mosquitoes, so people with a higher degree of sweating are more likely targets.

5. Your body temperature

In addition to perspiration, your body temperature can also be inviting to mosquitoes. They seem to like higher body temperatures.

6. Your perfume

Floral and sweet fragrances also catch the eye of insects, so avoid perfumes with such notes to get rid of the bites.

She said individual factors need to be further studied, but components of sweat, body temperature and certain odors may be more attractive to mosquito bites. Anyway, the important thing is to prevent yourself to avoid any discomfort.

How to prevent and mitigate these factors?

"The guidelines involve controlling the environment, eliminating outbreaks of mosquitoes close to home, but also avoiding places with large vegetation, water reservoirs, or breeding sites", advises the expert.

In addition the doctor claims that mosquitoes are more? Present? early in the morning and late afternoon. Therefore, the doctor recommends to avoid susceptible places in these periods and always use repellents.

5th Annual Graham Lecture (May 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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