6 Things About Your Nipples That May Be Scaring But Normal

Our nipples spend most of their lives covered by at least two layers of cloth, so it's no wonder that talking about them still causes some embarrassment.

But like the nose, eyes, and mouth, nipples are parts of the body, and both men and women have them, even if they are different.

As they don't talk much about them, it is common for some women to wonder if their nipples are normal. Some think they are too big, others worry if they are the right color? and so on.

The answer is that yes, most likely your nipples are normal, as there is no one nipple like the other. This even goes for yourself: your right nipple will be different from your left, just like the rest of your body.

Important: The characteristics described below are absolutely normal. However, if you notice that your nipples are suddenly different in size, color, shape, or otherwise, you should see a doctor.

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That's because some abrupt changes may be indicative of pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, or even breast cancer, so it's worth paying attention to.

1. Around the nipple

It may not be the most desired thing in the world for some women, but having some hair around the nipples does not mean a health problem. This is because we are mammals, and one of the characteristics of this class of vertebrate animals is precisely the presence of hair.

This is a trait that varies from woman to woman, depending on genetic and hormonal factors. In addition, the use of some contraceptives may decrease or increase hair in this region, depending on the composition of the drug.

If you are uncomfortable with these hairs, the best way to remove them is with tweezers, but you can also have a laser treatment for permanent removal. Wax and the blade, in turn, are not recommended.

2. Big or small nipples

The nipples are democratic and can come in many sizes, whether they are considered large or small. This is just an aesthetic feature, and it does not influence the ability to breastfeed.

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Women who feel insecure about the size of their nipples can resort to plastic surgery to modify them if they feel like it.

3. There is no color, right?

As with size, the coloration of the nipples can also vary from person to person, whether they are light or dark.

In general, areola and nipples are darker than breast skin, and the good news is that all colors are normal? unless your nipples are reddened from irritation, of course.

4. Nipples? Inside?

Most women have "out", that is, protruding nipples. However, about 10% to 20% of the female population has flat or inward nipples (inverted nipples).

Although rarer, flat, inverted nipples are not a problem (unless they suddenly appear; in this case, seek medical attention immediately). They are just different, as the tissue that connects the nipple to the breast is slightly shorter than usual. Still, it is possible for one nipple to be inverted and another not.

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Inverted nipples are fully functional, meaning they can become more bulging when stimulated and are fully capable of breastfeeding? extra help may be needed at first, however.

5. Is it normal to have small? around the nipple

Do some women have small nipples around their nipples called the areolar glands? and although they may resemble pimples they have nothing to do with them, so don't try to squeeze them!

These glands have the function of producing an oily secretion that lubricates the areola and nipple when they are stimulated. In addition, some researchers believe they also serve as a guide for the baby to find the nipple more easily during breastfeeding.

6. Liquids coming out of nipple even without being pregnant or nursing

The nipples are naturally secretory organs, so it is natural that there is some discharge coming out of them. In fact, this happens to all women as a kind of self-cleaning of the breast ducts, although it is not always perceived.

This phenomenon is more common in women who have already become pregnant or breastfeeding, as the ducts dilate physiologically during these periods.

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The most worrisome type of discharge is a clear liquid mixed with blood coming out of a single duct as it can be a sign of cancer. Yellow, greenish or brown secretions are not related to this disease, while milky secretion may be related to an excess of the hormone prolactin.

In all cases, the tip is to seek a mastologist to clarify the doubts and treat if necessary.

In short, if your nipples have always been the size they are now, always had that amount of hair, always been in or out, etc., then it is very likely that all is well.

However, if they suddenly got different, this could be a sign of a health problem and you should go to the specialist.

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