7 Fitness Resolutions That Are Better Than? Lose Weight?

Discovering your connection to your body is important, helps you be more active and gives you more confidence. The focus is no longer on weight but on everything your body can do.

Could it be a trail, a dance class, a weightlifting, a water sport? or even little everyday things that already show how having a moving body is a privilege.

That's why it's important to develop self-love, not set weight-loss goals, stop looking in the mirror, discard all these negative thoughts, and pursue only healthy activities that bring happiness, no matter how many calories you burn. Here are some tips:

1. Join a group

Sports groups are often not very expensive, and are an incredible way to ensure fun and socialize while exercising. A Google search may show you the options closest to you. You can also search for free options.

2. Perfect your push ups

Creating a push-up routine is not easy, and many people still carry memories of times when they could not do it completely. Ideally, do not set a goal and start slowly, within your own limits, and as you improve and advance, begin to increase. There are many online guides that can help. In the end, you will feel the satisfaction of being able to do this exercise and control the weight of your body with your hands.

Read also: 10 reasons to love your body regardless of your physical size

3. Climb a mountain

Climbing a mountain is a physically demanding experience. But there are also simpler trails for people who are beginners. Besides being a pleasurable activity, it has a real physical objective, which is to reach the end of the course. So when you finish the trail or climb, the sense of accomplishment and confidence you feel is enormous.

4. Make flexibility a priority

Having flexibility is an important aspect of physical health that people often overlook. But having a flexible body will be important in old age. Therefore, take time for some activity that works this flexibility. Youtube is full of videos for beginners. Another tip is to take yoga classes.

5. Enroll in a class

Group classes are great, but only if you really are. That is, it is no use to enroll and quit, with the excuse of being "too busy". That's why it's important to make a smart choice and look for something that really stimulates you and makes you want to always be present. Set a short goal of three months, for example. And look how it goes.

6. Drink more water

Diets are controversial, but hydration is not. Buy a one liter water bottle and set the goal to empty it twice a day. Your body will thank you for both your physical health and your skin, hair and energy levels.

7. Run a race

Taking part in a real race, with a real date, will be a much stronger motivator than a "run longer" goal. Whether it's a 5-kilometer commute or a marathon, the important thing is to sign up and start making a training schedule, which can be found on the internet or even on mobile apps.

Read also: How to make the most of your workouts at home

Often the fixation with weight loss, fad diets, all of this usually only makes people stop loving their bodies, as physical activities are no longer seen as good or pleasurable and become considered as something necessary to reach body perfection? which is humanly impossible. By shifting this focus weight loss will come as a consequence!

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  • Weight Loss, Fitness
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