7 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

In the dictionary, symptom It is defined as a phenomenon indicating the existence of a disease. The meaning could not be more specific, but for the most part, we end up ignoring an uneasiness believing it to be nothing serious.

In fact, all the signals the body sends may be indicative of more serious illnesses to which we must always be alert. Meet now 7 Symptoms That Should Never Be Ignored And if you spot any of them, see a doctor right away.

1 ? Constant pains

A good dose of rest and a muscle relaxant can help ease the pain caused by the first few days of exercise at the gym or a sleepless night. But if body aches extend for weeks and without explanation, better seek medical advice.

Joint pain and muscle stiffness may be a sign of lupus, an autoimmune disease that mostly affects women between 30 and 40 years. The specialist can suggest lifestyle changes and advise on homes along with exercise to help reduce discomfort.

2 ? Excessive thirst

The sensation of thirst that does not pass Even after drinking plenty of water, especially if it is coupled with increased toilet visits and weight loss for no apparent reason, it is a stark sign that you need to be alert. These symptoms are characteristic of type 2 diabetes, which if left unchecked, can lead to stroke, blindness and double the risk of heart disease.

3? Fatigue

THE exhaustion it may be more than a sign that the routine is too busy, that you have been sleeping poorly or have reached the limit of tiredness.

When getting out of bed seems like a tricky mission and there is apparently no lifestyle change that can be blamed, the cause can be as simple as one. anemia, or indicate something more complicated, such as a cancer. Fatigue is a way of your cup and telling you that something is wrong so listen up.

4? Blurry vision

Do you have trouble deciphering fine print? Well then it's time to make an appointment with the ophthalmologist. Although changes in vision, especially at close range, are normal as we get older, blurred vision Constantly or sudden changes may be an early sign of cataract, retinal problems, diabetes or high pressure.

5? Painful sex

If sex has been painful, tell your gynecologist. THE vaginal dryness It can be a simple problem, easily corrected with the use of lubricants that make penetration less uncomfortable.

However, it may also indicate vaginal infection, fibroid in the womb or maybe something more serious. An example is endometriosis, a problem that mainly affects women between 30 and 40 years old and arises when the lining of the uterus grows outside the pelvic region and stops in different parts of the body, causing very painful periods. In addition to allowing you to enjoy painless sex again, treatment for endometriosis is critical because the disease can cause infertility.

6? Heartburn

Make use of one antacid Having a heavy meal is common, but if you need it at least once a week, look for a specialist. Your doctor may prescribe a temporary solution to inhibit stomach acid burning, but you need to examine and find the causes of the problem to find lasting solutions, such as a balanced diet or weight loss.

7? Difficulty dealing with disappointments

Does the breakup of a relationship depress you for months? Is the delay in being served in a store a reason that makes you lose your mind? Keep an eye. Lack of resistance to stressful situations or overreactions that people often describe as stress can be signs of depression.

Many depressed people are not even suspicious of the problem and describe themselves as "dramatic in nature." The sooner a person goes to a doctor or therapist, the greater the chances of speedy recovery.

6 cancer symptoms women shouldn't ignore (May 2024)

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