7 Unusual Ways To Soothe High Blood Pressure

When Your Blood Pressure Nears the Danger Zone, Do You Know How to Act? Many people turn to dietary improvements, such as cutting their sodium levels, or even seeking medications to help with the problem. However, there are several other alternative ways to lower your blood pressure that you can use without fear. Know what they are:

  1. Look for the sun
    A sunny day not only makes us more excited, but also works wonders for our health. Research from the University of Edinburgh found that people exposed to UV rays experienced a significant drop in blood pressure. But this exposure should only be at safe times and for a short time to avoid damage to the skin.
  2. Visit a zoo
    You do not need to adopt a pet to enjoy the blood pressure reducing benefit that animals offer (although it would be of great help). A recent study from Japan found that people who visited a zoo had their systolic blood pressure (the highest number) decreased by 6% and their diastolic pressure (the lowest number) by 8%. Because? Watch the animals? Wake up? the parasympathetic nervous system, which lowers blood pressure, to help counteract stress-induced adrenaline peaks.
  3. Give a helping hand
    Adults who offer help at least 200 hours a year? about 4 hours a week? They are 40% less likely to develop high blood pressure than non-volunteers, according to a recent Carnegie Mellon University study. The advantage is twofold: "Voluntary activities offer opportunities to make healthy social connections," according to study author Rodlescia Sneed. This can also give you different perspectives on your problems. By learning to deal with challenges positively, you avoid the negative physiological effects of stress.
  4. Meditate at work
    Chained to your table every day? You can reduce stress in your own work environment. Workers who meditated in their office chairs for just 15 minutes showed a significant decline in blood pressure, according to a recent study in Australia. According to research author Dr. Elefteriades, meditation can calm the nervous system.
  5. Embrace your husband
    Women who embrace their partners with tend to have lower blood pressure than those who do less, according to a study published in the journal Biological Psychology. The benefit may result from the binding of the hormone oxytocin, which not only helps you feel calmer but can also slow down the activity of the sympathetic nervous system in your heart and blood vessels, according to study author Kathleen Luz. .
  6. Get in touch with the song
    A new study in the Netherlands found that musicians have lower blood pressure than non-musicians, possibly because playing an instrument is as physically demanding as exercise. If playing an instrument is not for you, dancing and even singing will bring you the same results. In a recent Japanese study, people who regularly sang along with music had a significant decline in blood pressure. Music can increase dopamine release in the brain, leading to a drop in blood pressure.
  7. Take a trip
    Even if it's short, change your mood and experience a different and more pleasurable feeling, so relaxing your mind and heart.

Treating High Blood Pressure (April 2024)

  • Stress, Prevention and Treatment
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