How to identify an insecure man

Having a partner who is always by your side, takes you everywhere, is interested in the smallest details of your day, your company and friendships is the dream of many women, but being so careful to choose a man who meets all their needs may actually have attracted someone insecure and pathologically jealous.

The man, to be a good partner, must inspire admiration and security to the woman. The mistake in noticing partner insecurity problems is due to the fact that women reject macho, authoritarian and lying men; and looking for a good guy? they miss the hand and connect with needy, psychologically ill men.

The danger of insecure men is that their feelings may evolve into possessiveness and the characteristics of machismo, authoritarianism, and lying may appear in the medium or long term.

Signs that a man is insecure

  • See if he questions, tests, and asks for details of any story told, even if you give absolutely no cause for distrust.
  • Consider if he does his best to make you two do any and all activities together, even simple things like going out for a change in a store.
  • Realize if he complains when you say you would like to spend time with your family or alone with your friends. See if he competes with other people you relate to.
  • Be alert if he asks you all the time for proof of his love, calls or texts, or pressures his friends to tell you what you think of him or what he's been doing when he's not around.
  • Make sure it isn't invading your privacy by fiddling with your purse, lockers, or having access to your cell phone or mailbox.
  • Don't let go of unnoticed situations where you feel insecure about your partner's reactions. Increase in tone of voice, make sudden movements, drive at high speed in anger and make threats even though? In the heat of the emotions of an argument? These are attitudes that should be considered as a great sign of danger.

How to deal with male insecurity

If your partner's insecurity is not serious, make sure you are not giving reason. You may not really be interested in anyone else, but you may inadvertently be effusive or ignoring your partner out of vanity.

If there is nothing unusual about your attitude toward your partner and you cannot rationally demonstrate any concrete reason for the insecurity crisis, tell him that such a feeling only harms your relationship. Make it clear in word and deed that you don't want to build a relationship based on distrust. If he feels even more threatened, consider whether it is best not to end the relationship while it is time.

Don't be afraid to end an unhealthy relationship, the longer it takes you to get away from it, the more it can get complicated.

Do not believe in promises of improvement if the relationship has already reached a level of psychological torture or violence. Do some women forget that the promise of improvement will always be made other times? The danger is that the next act of lack of control will be more intense than the last, because without psychological treatment the emotional problem will get worse ?, warns Dr. Jorge Lordello, a security expert.

If you think the man you relate to will not be able to accept the end of the relationship and not have a good reaction, end the relationship in a public place and ask a friend to keep a close watch on the situation.

10 signs of an insecure man (April 2024)

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