Baby Welfare in Summer

Summer is a season that, because of the heat and increased outdoor activities, requires moms' attention to the need for special care for babies, so that this time of year does not become synonymous with skin discomfort such as burning. , itching, rashes, diaper rash and mosquito bites, for example.

In hot weather, it is common to have doubts about bathing, promoting fluid intake and taking walks with baby in the best way to give him freshness without causing harm.

Bath Freshness

Bathing in babies on hot days can be done without quantity limitations, provided that from the second, soaps and shampoos are dispensed and only water should be used, which should not be cold or hot, but at room temperature.

Another important precaution is, after bathing, to dry the child's body well, not forgetting any fold to avoid dermatitis and diaper rash. Clothing can be worn as long as it is made of natural fabrics such as cotton and thin, allowing for sweat evaporation and protection of the skin against fearsome insects.

Fluid Replacement

As perspiration increases it is very important that the little one replenishes liquids by drinking breast milk or drinking juices, popsicles, coconut water and eating vegetables if they are old enough to do so. Watching for diaper changes and using anti-slimming ointments as your ally is very important, as drinking fluids will also increase the flow of pee which, if left in contact with your child's skin for a long time, can cause skin irritation. of the baby.

Healthy ride

If you are going out with your young child, the ride should be before 9am and after 4pm, so remember to wear sunscreen FPS30, if the child is 6 months or older, reset use every two hours and try to keep the child away from direct sunlight, protected with caps, for example.

Fun at the beach with protection

If the trip is on the beach, it is important that the child avoid contact with the sand, sitting on a yoke or mat to avoid infections. Parents should also ensure that the child does not put sand in his mouth and try to rid the child's skin of grains that stick together by splashing water.

Sea baths are only allowed if the water is in a clean condition and if the child is at least six months old. Parental follow-up is critical to avoid drowning children who walk and are attracted to wave movement. If the child takes a sea bath, then he or she should be dry and the sunscreen application redone.

Return home after the tours

When returning from a walk, especially if returning from the beach or pool, the baby should take a shower and change clothes. "We need to take care of post-sun hygiene, to remove chlorine or sea waste from the body and hair," says pediatrician Marcelo Reibscheid.

If rashes, red balls from sweat appear, the solution is to add cornstarch to the child's bath, gently dry it in a soft towel and keep it in cool clothes.

Comfortable bedtime

At bedtime on a hot day, leaving the child with few fresh clothes is good. Other excellent initiatives include covering the cradle with musketeers and spraying repellent lotions.

There is no reason not to enjoy the summer with a baby, just just pay attention to some basic care. Count on the support of a pediatrician to calm your fears about your baby in the summer and enjoy this time of year with him!

Teen's experience in child welfare system (May 2024)

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