Hibiscus Tea: See the Benefits and Their Relationship to Weight Loss

Originally from the Asian region, hibiscus tea is widely known for its health benefits. The medicinal plant is characteristic of tropical climates and blooms throughout the year, being used since ancient times for its healing qualities.

The part of the hibiscus that is used for the preparation of tea is its flower, which gives a sour and aromatic flavor and gives it a pink color. Being caffeine free and lacking the common bitterness of some teas is a great drink option.

Today, hibiscus has gained popularity mainly for the benefits of its tea for weight loss. It has gained fitness bloggers everywhere and is increasingly common to be found in health food stores. Learn more about hibiscus tea and learn how to include it in your daily life.

How to make

Making tea is very easy and only water is needed and dried hibiscus flowers (suitable for consumption, not garden hibiscus), check out how to ensure a perfect tea:

Step by step

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of dried hibiscus in 1 liter of water, opt for the natural version, instead of sachets. If you prefer a more concentrated tea add one more spoon of hibiscus.
  2. Wait for the water to begin to bubble and turn off the heat, letting the hibiscus infuse for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Then strain the liquid and voila, your tea is ready!

See how easy it is to make hibiscus tea and guarantee all its qualities? Prefer to consume tea without the addition of sugar or sweeteners. If you are not used to the taste, a tip is to put chamomile or horsetail (which are more pleasant) to mask it.

Read also: Bilberry Tea: A Great Ally for Digestion

6 Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea

As has been said, hibiscus tea has been consumed since ancient times for its healing qualities. See the main advantages offered by this drink:

  1. Antiestresse: As a natural tranquilizer, hibiscus tea reduces stress, helping you relax and sleep better. Having flavonoids, it alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety, causing a feeling of well-being.
  2. It is good for the heart: Hibiscus's natural antioxidants help prevent cardiovascular disease and inflammation, regulate artery function, and lower the values ​​of LDL cholesterol, which causes fat to accumulate.
  3. Pressure Regulator: Because it has a powerful diuretic effect, hibiscus tea causes the elimination of fluids and toxins from the body, helping to lower blood pressure.
  4. Strengthens the immune system: The plant is rich in vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which fights free radicals by preventing colds and flu and preventing premature aging.
  5. Colic: Hibiscus tea not only regulates blood flow during menstruation, but also acts as a hormonal balance stabilizer, which helps relieve menstrual pain and moodiness.
  6. Help with digestion: Because it is diuretic and digestive, tea improves bowel function. Its laxative effect aids in digestion and also aids in weight loss.

Reasons abound to love hibiscus tea and adopt darling as an essential kitchen food.

Does hibiscus tea lose weight?

One of the reasons why hibiscus tea is so sought after is because its consumption is associated with weight loss. In fact, what happens is that this tea has diuretic properties, eliminating fluid retention that causes bloating.

In addition, it helps combat fat accumulation as it improves sensitivity to blood glucose, thereby decreasing the desire to eat sweets and reducing insulin spikes caused by foods rich in sugars.

Another interesting aspect of hibiscus tea is that it is low in calories and has a thermogenic effect (which speeds up metabolism) and can be a great substitute for sodas and juices.

Also read: 10 Foods That Help End Moodiness

If your goal is to lose weight, it is ideal to look for this tea that gives that balance help. But if your eating habits and physical activity are not ideal, hibiscus tea is unlikely to have any effect.

Contraindications and risks of overconsumption

But calm down, it's not because hibiscus tea has so many benefits that we should consume it wildly.

Because it is diuretic, it is not recommended for those who already have low blood pressure, as it can cause dizziness or fainting.Hypertensive people who take medication should also take care, since the elimination of excess fluids can remove important nutrients from the body.

Pregnant women have to be extra careful with hibiscus tea, as it not only stimulates blood flow, which can cause miscarriages, but also contains substances that can affect the baby's development.

Taking proper care and not overdoing it, there is no reason to fear this drink.

Read also: Matchá: helps to lose weight and has more qualities than green tea

Now that you know how to make it, its benefits and the precautions to take, what are you waiting for making this tea?

Everything You Need to Know About the Trendiest New Health Drink — Hibiscus Tea (April 2024)

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