Twin Pregnancy: Symptoms, Care, and Clarified Doubts

Did you know that twin pregnancies can be divided into pregnancies of identical twins and non-identical twins?

Ricardo Barbosa Diniz, Clinical Director of Hospital América de Mauá and Coordinator of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service, explains that the pregnancy of identical twins (univitellin) occurs when the fertilization of a single egg occurs by sperm and, in the division of this fertilized egg, occurs the production of two embryos in the same placenta.

"The pregnancy of non-identical twins (biviteline) occurs when, in the same pregnancy, we have the fertilization of two distinct eggs by different sperm, generating two embryos that each developed in their placenta," adds the doctor.

Learn more about the particularities of this type of pregnancy.

What can influence twin pregnancy?

Diniz highlights the main factors that may influence the possibility of twin pregnancy:

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  • Assisted reproduction;
  • Black women are more predisposed;
  • Previous family cases (mainly among women);
  • Women near menopause;
  • Get pregnant immediately after stopping the contraceptive.

It is interesting to know that although the chances of a woman becoming pregnant from the age of 35 are lower, the greater the advancement of this woman's age, the greater the chance that she will have twins because she is more likely to ovulate twice in the same month.


Although not a rule, some signs may be more pronounced in case of twin pregnancy. Diniz mentions as main symptoms of multiple pregnancy:

  • More severe nausea and malaise;
  • More drowsiness
  • Higher greater weight gain during the course of pregnancy;
  • High Doses of Beta HCG (Pregnancy Detecting Test) on laboratory tests.

It is noteworthy that the symptoms vary greatly from woman to woman, as in the case of the pregnancy of only one embryo.


What are the necessary precautions for twin pregnancy? Is there a difference in pregnancy care for just one embryo? Check out the main points cited by the gynecologist and obstetrician:

  • Exams and extra caution with some conditions: "The tests that should be done are the same exams of normal prenatal, but with extra care for gestational diabetes and pregnancy-specific hypertensive disease," says Diniz.
  • Frequent queries: The gynecologist and obstetrician explains that, during twin pregnancy, prenatal consultations will be more frequent, as well as obstetric ultrasound examinations.
  • Home: Diniz points out that, in addition to the most frequent consultations, a rest schedule will usually be necessary at the end of the third trimester for twin pregnancies.
  • Attention to the most common problems: In addition to gestational diabetes and increased blood pressure, anemia, bleeding, puerperal infection, miscarriage, prematurity and congenital malformations are the most common problems in twin pregnancy, as noted by gynecologist and obstetrician Diniz.

However, it is noteworthy that the? Only concern? A pregnant woman should be assisted by a good doctor, who will ensure a complete and safe prenatal care for her. Care that goes, by the way, for any kind of pregnancy!

Read also: How to get pregnant with twins: questions and answers to answer all your questions

Common questions

Twin pregnancy is a subject that raises many questions and even some myths. Check below the clarification for the main questions:

1. Is it possible to? Stimulate? a twin pregnancy?

"With medical guidance and supervision, there are drugs that stimulate ovulation that can increase the likelihood of a twin pregnancy," says Diniz.

Assisted reproduction methods are demonstrably related to twin pregnancy. The possibility of multiple pregnancies in these cases is approximately 10% to 20% higher than for women who have not had any treatment.

Other than that, it is a myth to believe that certain foods and / or sexual positions, for example, can stimulate a twin pregnancy.

2. Is it common for twins to be born before 40 weeks of pregnancy?

? Yes, and normally delivery should be performed at 38 weeks of gestation due to complications arising after this period ?, explains Diniz.

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3Is it possible to have a normal birth in case of a twin pregnancy?

Yes, as long as the first twin has a cephalic presentation (upside down) and does not have an estimated weight lower than the second. When the twins have weight below 1500 grams or the first one is in the pelvic position (sitting), is the choice for cesarean delivery ?, explains the gynecologist and obstetrician.

4. Are all pregnant with twins very sick and tired?

Diniz points out that these symptoms may be more pronounced in twin pregnancy, but this is not a rule.

5. Who has twins in the family is even more likely to have twin children?

If the twin cases are in the mother's family, yes. For example, if the future mom has an aunt who has had twins, her chances of having a twin pregnancy are greater.

But evidently only the woman's side? is what influences. That is, even if the prospective father has a twin brother, there is nothing proven to interfere with the chances of the couple having twin children.

Now you know what are the particularities of twin pregnancy, as well as the factors that are proven to influence multiple pregnancy.

Read also: How to find out the baby's gender: know all available methods

My Complicated Twin Pregnancy (March 2024)

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