What is the best time for sex?

Is sex good for you anytime, or is there a better time of day for it? According to a survey by the Cosmopolitan magazine website, most people have preferences regarding the time to have sex. What's more, there are differences in the preferred time for men and women. If you stop to analyze your preferences, you are very likely to notice that sex seems more pleasurable to you at any given time or situation of the day.

Sex in the morning

Just after waking up, before facing a day of intense activity, you can spend a few minutes discovering with your partner. This time is appropriate for those who don't usually wake up to the best of moods because it helps improve the way you look at the day. It turns out that sexual practice releases a series of hormones in the body that act directly on the mood and can even improve the quality of the couple's relationship. Also, because it works as a kind of exercise, sex can be a good way to start the day by getting your body to work.

Cosmopolitan readers who responded to the poll were even more specific: for the vast majority, the perfect time to indulge in sex delights is on a Saturday morning. Perhaps because the weight of the week's obligations relieves at such times, so that the meeting becomes more complete.

Fast sex

The thought of taking a break from the day's activities for a beautiful sex session may seem tempting to many people. Of course, with the accelerated routine? especially in big cities, this evasion of obligations becomes increasingly difficult, but does it cost a little effort to reconcile your schedules with those of your partner from time to time? The reason is more than fair and ranked fourth in the survey.

Sex at night

23% of respondents to Cosmopolitan magazine chose bedtime as the best time to have sex. After a full day of work and worries about various activities and situations, you come home, have something special, have an invigorating shower, and finally go to bed. This is the ideal time, according to these people, to date a little. Is sex, as said, a great channel for relieving tension and causing pleasure? and not just physical pleasure, but also that emotional feeling that everything is fine as it is. Therefore, practicing it minutes before going to bed can help you have a more restful and beneficial night's sleep. This option was second in the preference of Internet users.

It rains outside

Third place in the Cosmopolitan poll, whose readers enjoy sex during a storm. If you find the preference strange, why not give it a try? As the rain falls outside, you can enjoy a good time with your partner. If, in the end, you don't find anything great about having sex during a storm, you still won't have lost your time, would you?

  • Relationships, Sex
  • 1,230