10 Things You Should Never Do With Others' Children

You know that saying don't do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you? Yeah, there are some things you shouldn't do with others' children if you wouldn't want them to do yours. And if you have no children yet to know these things, we are here to tell you. Check out 10 situations that drive any parent out of their minds.

1. Don't wake up the child

If you already have a child, you probably know how difficult it can sometimes be to get him to sleep. Many children, especially newborn babies, have difficulties with their sleep routine and this can be very stressful for both the child and the parents. So if a child is finally sleeping, let him rest. In addition to collaborating with parents, you also allow that child to rest and enjoy the sleep that is so essential in childhood.

2. Don't kiss the baby

Okay, we know babies are so cute and our desire to squeeze them and stuff them with kisses is almost uncontrollable. But before you have a cuteness attack, think about the bacteria in your mouth and how it can be harmful to such small, defenseless beings. It may seem like a harmless act, but saliva can contain a number of bacteria and viruses that cause serious illness, such as herpes.

3. Do not disallow the child's parents

Who has never heard an adult say, "Leave it!" when are parents scolding the child's attitude? If you have heard it, or even said it, know that this attitude should never be repeated again. The upbringing of the child is the responsibility of the parents, and if they have not let the child do something, they must have a good reason for it. It is also important to remember that you should not talk badly about the child's parents around her, because at this stage children may be confused by these sayings.

4. Do not offer child food without parental consent

This tip you should note in a place that you see every day not to forget. Giving chocolate to your friend's child may sound silly to you, but it can have serious consequences. Whether it's your parents' choice not to give your child some food or for health reasons such as allergies, it's not up to you to decide what that child is going to eat or not. Always consult parents before offering anything to little ones.

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5. Do not feed a child if the cutlery has already been used.

This advice is very similar to the tip of the kiss. Sharing saliva is an adult thing and you already know how to do it and what risks you are taking. Whether you consider yourself 100% healthy, always use sanitized cutlery to feed a child other than your child. This protects her from germs, bacteria and viruses that once were in someone else's mouth.

6. Do not smoke near the child

Smoking around someone, even if that person is past childhood, requires a little respect. For those who do not smoke, the smell of cigarettes is very uncomfortable, not to mention that being near the smoke is also very harmful to health. The upbringing of the child is the responsibility of the parents, but their welfare concerns everyone.

7. Don't take your child to play with another child if she is sick.

At this time be empathetic and consider if you would like a child with the flu, for example, to have close contact with your child. Put yourself in the shoes of this other parent? Children are the most precious possessions and their parents will always do their utmost to keep them from any danger. And it has nothing to do with freshness.

8. Don't Make Comparisons

? Your son still does not walk? Wow, so-and-so's son was already running !? Do I need to talk about how unpleasant this is? Each child is one, they will always have their particularities and that does not mean that they are better or worse than another. These kinds of words can upset parents, who end up charging themselves or blaming themselves unnecessarily.

9. Don't let a child hold a baby on his lap.

Babies are very fragile and even many adults are afraid to hold them in their lap. In general, children are unaware of their strength and their manual skills may not be fully developed. If a child wants to hold a baby on their lap, talk to them to explain why this is not a good idea.If she still insists, put the baby on the child's lap, but stay in control, always with your hands between the baby and the child.

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10. Don't Label Others' Children

Do not make, especially in front of the child, negative criticism of the child. To say that a child is very shy, very? Tricky? or too sly can cause trauma to little ones, and that's no exaggeration. Children are very sensitive and internalize what they hear, interfering with the formation of their personalities. Not to mention that this attitude can hurt this child's parents as well.

Now you know, every time you go to an event with children, save these tips and reread not to get into these inconvenient situations. Remember: children's well-being is our responsibility!

10 Things Parents Should Never Do for Their Kids (April 2024)

  • Babies, Children and Teens
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