Tantric Massage: Boost Your Pleasure

How much do you allow yourself for pleasure? And how much do you know about your body's ability to feel pleasure? With this in mind, there are techniques that aim to unravel the bodily paths of pleasure through exercises that help in this discovery. One of the best known and most solid of these studies is tantric massage.

Based on Tantra, a philosophy that is more than 5,000 years old, tantric massage seeks to expand sensitivity through a technique that deals with the body's bioenergy and therapeutic applications.

What is tantric massage and what are its benefits?

Who explains is the tantric therapist Deva Sangito: Tantric massage is a technique of body stimuli that aims at the expansion of orgasmic energy, developing the therapeutic character of pleasure. Tantric massage is not sex and should not be confused with it. Its goal is precisely to provoke unprecedented stimuli in the body, in order to break paradigms and concepts related to the sexuality of the person?

Tantric massage aims to bring about a reconfiguration of sexuality, creating new synapses connected to the sensation of pleasure and expanding sensitivity. This goes against trauma and blockages that a person may have, linked to the way they view sex and their own body.

In addition, tantric massage tones the genital muscles. This makes men able to maintain a stronger and lasting erection, for example, while both they and women experience more intense, prolonged orgasms and even multiple and dry orgasms ?, adds Deva.

In cases of people with a history of sexual abuse, for example, it is possible to use the tantric massage technique to eliminate the psychological symptoms caused by the trauma.

How to make?

Tantric massage is done by touching in order to arouse orgasmic sensations different from sex. To experience tantric massage on your partner, your hands and other parts of your body must stimulate sensitive areas so as to cause sensations other than penetration or exclusive penis stimulation.

Run your fingers gently through the extension of tender points such as the thighs, back, and feet, and through erogenous areas such as the groin, butt, or even the ears.

A pleasant mood with dim light and quiet music can help to arouse sensations. Encourage your partner's senses without hurrying to the act of sex (which need not necessarily happen) to make this experience as enjoyable as possible.

According to Deva Sangito, one tip that may stimulate the pursuit of this knowledge is that all the stimuli practiced in tantric massage are completely new to the body. Is describing them with words too complicated? You must see, feel. Is it precisely this novelty that helps break concepts and paradigms? Does the brain begin to readjust its concept of pleasure?

Like everything in Tantra, theoretical explanations end up being in vain. The best way to learn tantric massage is in practice, either by receiving or practicing. There are individual or group courses taught by therapists who teach many of the techniques used in Tantric Therapy.

Advantages of Tantric Massage in a Couple's Love Life

Tantric massage brought to the most intimate concept of the marital relationship can do wonders for a couple's love life. It brings a new way of connecting with our partner's body, providing increased intimacy and complicity and making the pleasure of one more evident to the other.

It's a different way of knowing, discovering, bringing new excitement and developing the chemistry that exists in the relationship. It makes sexuality more fluid, tastier and easier to deal with, tightening the bonds of affection and companionship. Without forgetting, of course, that sex is much tastier? Complete Deva Sangito.

For couples who want to discover the benefits of Tantra, a good way can be a specially prepared experience. Some specialized centers offer training for couples, which teach various massage techniques, meditations and tantric rituals to bring the couple closer and bring a new spice to the relationship.

To learn more, watch the video with an interview with Deva Nishok, owner of one of Brazil's leading tantric massage centers:

Tantric Massage Centers in Brazil

The centers offer tantric massages of various types and also teach courses for those who want to learn the technique in a professional way.

  • Deva Nishok Method Metamorphosis Center (has therapists in several capitals)
  • Deva Sangito (serves at the Metamorphosis Center in São Paulo / SP)
  • Amor Tantra Center (RJ, SP and SC)
  • Tantric Universe (PR, SP, SC and PE)
  • Gilson Nakamura (SP)

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