7 ways to make your weekend more productive

Two days off every five working days seems like very little. And these two days usually go so fast that sometimes it feels like you haven't had time to do anything, not even rest.

But with a little planning and a lot of effort you can make the most of these days and have a much more restful break from your routine. Here are some tips for structuring your weekend more efficiently.

1. Make the most of the mornings

No sleeping until too late. It's okay to have 20 more minutes before you get out of bed. But don't let the mornings escape you! Waking up at the same time as on other days is good for your sleep. So if your biological clock works, don't complain and enjoy this time. Do some stretching movements or yoga positions, go for a 15-minute walk, even for a walk with the dog. Doing all of this before the rest of the house gets up ensures that you can take care of yourself before other things fill your day.

2. Don't Leave Everything for the Weekend

If you are the type who has a lot of tasks to do on the weekend, then your two days will be full. Try to rearrange the routine by placing smaller tasks for each day. How about cleaning the house on Thursday night? So when the weekend comes, you don't have to worry about it and you'll still have a nice clean space to enjoy. The same goes for the fun. If you want to do all the shows on Saturday or Sunday, the weekend will be hectic. Schedule something for Monday night when restaurants are less crowded. Or a weekday breakfast. They will be more pleasant and less busy moments.

3. Use task timers

Sometimes a task takes little time, but in the midst of so much weekend work, it takes longer than it should. A tip is to calculate how much time is needed and use a timer. During this time, give it your all and focus fully on what you are doing. This will be over soon. Merge boring tasks like cleaning, organizing accounts, and more with fun tasks, whether it's going out or staying at home reading a book, watching a movie?

Also read: 10 Habits You Must Avoid To Be More Productive

4. Organize meals

No need to spend the weekend in the kitchen preparing lunch or dinner. Take one hour a day during the week and use that time to shop, cut food, and prepare snacks and meals. This will make it easier on a daily basis, especially on Saturday and Sunday.

5. Make three lists

Divide your tasks into three lists: must do, must not do, and learn to do. Must do is essential: talking to family, taking care of children, organizing the house. Not to do means leaving a break on the weekend to do nothing. Worth a rest or any practice that brings you peace. And learning how to do it is the hard part: it is the dedication to a hobby, a class or something that piques your passion.

6. Take Fridays Seriously

On Friday it is common for most people to be tired and end up not paying so much at work. But if you can have that focus, you are likely to close the week effectively and avoid pending weekend tasks. You can also get your workspace organized and make a to-do list for Monday.

7. Get Off Work

It is rare nowadays to see who does not take work home and ends up occupying the weekend. Be it an unanswered email or a big project. Ideally, you should shut down completely, but if it is unavoidable, create a framework for that, a time frame, so as not to let it take over the whole weekend. Then take a few hours, stroll and stay away from the internet.

All of these small attitudes can have a big effect on how you spend the weekends. Keeping your life organized will give you time to do everything, rest, and resume the routine with more energy.

Read also: Meet the bullet journal, a useful and cute tool for organizing your day

7 simple habits for a more productive life | studytee (April 2024)

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