Postpartum Hair Loss: All You Need To Know

Many women feel a difference in the volume and quantity of their hair in the postpartum period. This process is natural and happens due to hormonal issues. So there's no need to worry, because in a few months everything is back to normal.

But in some cases, problems such as thyroid disorders or diabetes, protein deficiency, infections, or genetic issues may take longer to recover.

If it's more serious, there are treatments that can help minimize and reduce the fall, accelerating the growth of new hair. But all always with medical advice, not to create harm to health.

It is also important to know the correct way to take care of your hair during and after pregnancy, to deal with this phase more smoothly and to avoid major damage.

Why does hair loss increase after delivery?

Obstetrician and gynecologist Rodrigo da Rosa Filho, from Mater Prime Clinic, explains that this is because during this period there is a change in the hair's life cycle. During the nine months of pregnancy the hair is more beautiful, stronger and healthier, due to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which in this phase remain active in the body. Already in the postpartum, the rates return to normal and the threads that did not fall in the period, all fall at once ?, he says.

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According to him, this returns to normal between six and 24 weeks, or up to six months at most. • Two to four months after delivery, hair may start to fall out due to hormonal readjustment. The process is natural and tends to normalize around the sixth month ?, says.

What to do to prevent the fall?

Dermatologist Caroline Assed Saad of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) says that having a balanced diet with many vitamins and trace elements (such as iron and zinc) helps maintain hair health. "All vitamins are important, but give preference to vitamins C, A and B complex. They are found in many foods, so the ideal is a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, red meat and dark green vegetables," he says.

In addition, she recommends that all pregnant women try their best to maintain a good night's sleep to avoid stress, which can also influence.

When can the fall be considered worrying?

Still according to the dermatologist, it is normal when hair loss lasts for a few months, without significant flaws and scalp failures. "As stated earlier, up to six months postpartum may occur physiological hair loss, which will coincide with the period of breastfeeding," he says.

But the expert says that if you notice that the fall continues after this time or occurs in a very large volume, the woman should seek a dermatologist and never do self-medication.

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Hair Care During Pregnancy

Both during pregnancy and after childbirth, there is no specific care. For the day to day, the recommendation is to regularly clean the scalp and hair, always preferring natural products.

And procedures such as straightening and dyeing using strong chemicals should be avoided, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Reflexes that do not touch the scalp can be made. To straighten, prefer to use only the dryer and flat iron instead of resorting to treatments with longer duration.

In rarer cases, hair loss after pregnancy may persist for up to 15 months. "The orientation is to keep an eye on the strands that are being born, are slow to grow or are not being born and, if necessary, seek professional help", concludes the gynecologist.

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