Choose the type of hair removal that least affects your skin

To ensure a smooth skin, there are several methods of hair removal: spring, hot wax, blade, tweezers, among others. Although some are more painful than others, the search is for one that guarantees positive, and of course, longer lasting results.

Therefore, nothing better than choosing one that does not hurt your skin type so much, but at the same time ensures more positive results. Beautician Camila Jurin explains the benefits of each type of technique.


Painless technique, photodepilation reduces body hair for at least 12 months. "Depending on the body of the person, this type of hair removal also reduces the intervals and the number of sessions," says the beautician.

The device emits pulsed lights that hit the hair directly. • This technique can only be done at aesthetic clinics and with the help of a qualified professional. That's why I recommend photodepilation in reliable clinics? Camila recommends.

Hot wax

Suitable for all skin types, hot waxing lasts approximately 25 days. ? Although the skin is free of hair for almost a month, this type of hair removal can jam the hair in the shaved area. So it is best to moisturize the skin well and exfoliate at least once a month ?, suggests the beautician.

One must also abuse the use of sunscreen. "If you do not take care of yourself and apply the protector every day, dark spots may appear on the skin when exposed to the sun," he says.


Of all hair removal techniques, the blade is the most practical, quick and easy to do at home. The only problem is that it lasts an average of two days and can cause? Shreds? unwanted. Camila says that "applying moisturizer or soap to the area to be shaved ensures that the blades slide more easily."


The technique allows the hair to be pulled straight from the root. "This type of hair removal is suitable for all skin types and lasts up to 20 days," says the beautician.

But to have positive results, nothing better than seeking a professional who knows how to make the right moves. "Both this technique and the spring, one needs to look for tips from an expert because to do the removal, you need to know the right movements for extraction of hair," says Camila.

Spring waxing

Technique from the United States, the technique also pulls the hair in the bud. ? This type of hair removal is coming to Brazil now and is being implemented in some aesthetic clinics. To do, the beautician uses a spring and makes circular movements, which literally pulls the fluff from the fluff and the face in general ?, says the beautician.

Indicated for the extraction of hair from the face, the spring does not shave the eyebrows. ? Although this type of hair removal is indicated for the extraction of very soft hair, it is not possible to make the eyebrow, because it does not make the necessary curvature movements ?, ends Camila.

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  • Hair Removal, Skin
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