Compression Socks: An Ally Against Varicose Symptoms

Have you ever imagined that someday a piece of women's clothing would be useful for health too ?!

This product already exists and is known as compression stocking or elastic stocking. It is a piece that helps in the circulation of the legs and, if used correctly, can prevent a number of health problems and, especially, assist in the treatment of varicose veins.

But there is still a lot of doubt around the subject: who are the compression stockings for? Are they really effective? What is the correct way to use it?

Below, João Paulo Maffei Junior, vascular surgeon at Leforte Hospital, clarifies this and other doubts on the subject.

How do compression socks work?

According to the vascular surgeon, compression socks are socks that exert a certain pressure on the surface of the legs. This compression is uniform and exerted at the same time, at the same intensity and at all points of the legs. By exerting this compression on the surface of the skin, it also acts on the superficial veins, causing the blood content present in them to be diverted to the deep veins of the legs. This makes the legs feel "lighter", less swollen, improving the symptoms of varicose veins, "he says.

Who are they for?

According to João Paulo Maffei Junior, compression socks are indicated for all patients who feel tired, swollen legs, with or without visible varicose veins, who are overweight, who work long standing or sitting. all day.

"They are much more suitable for people who have varicose veins and therefore have symptoms related to them," adds the doctor.

Allied against varicose symptoms

Vascular surgeon Maffei Junior points out that compression socks help in the treatment of varicose veins because they improve edema and the feeling of tiredness in the legs, "giving better quality of life to people who choose non-surgical treatment of varicose veins," he says.

However, it is noteworthy that compression socks cannot prevent the appearance of varicose veins? which happens when the walls of the veins become very weak, and then dilated and tortuous. But the point is not just aesthetics, as varicose veins impair leg circulation and can lead to clots. The effect of the play is only on the complications arising from them.

The Different Types Of Compression Socks

There are different types of compression socks. Vascular surgeon Maffei Junior points out that they are classified according to compression: mild, medium and high.

As for size, you can find them in small, medium, large and extra large. They can be 3/4 (three quarters), 7/8 (seven eighths) or pantyhose. There are also several types of fabric.

• Your doctor will be able to indicate which model is best for you. But in general, the most used is the compression sock type 3/4 ?, highlights the vascular surgeon.

How to use them?

Vascular surgeon Maffei Junior explains that compression socks are normally worn during the day and should be removed for bedtime. "People who work at night and sleep in the day, should switch their use to night, and withdraw in the morning," he adds.

For how long?

According to Maffei Junior, compression socks can be worn indefinitely.

It is good to remember that wearing the sock does not make the varicose veins disappear. They cause symptomatic relief. That is, once the use is stopped, the symptoms tend to return ?, highlights the doctor.


The vascular surgeon says that contraindications are rare. The greatest contraindication concerns patients with lower limb ischemia. That is, patients who do not have a good blood supply to the feet. The population where this occurs most is that of diabetics ?, explains the doctor.

Where to find her?

According to the vascular surgeon, there are several stores that sell this type of socks. Usually, stores that sell surgical products also sell compression socks. Another option would be virtual stores ?, he says.

Cost varies according to stocking type, fabric, size etc. "But the average price would be around $ 100," says Maffei Junior.

If you suffer from varicose veins and are looking for something that can help with your treatment, reducing your symptoms, compression socks may be a good alternative. Consult your doctor about this possibility.

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