Does crf frequency work? Know the benefits that treatment offers

The search for a body with well-defined and harmonious contours is still frequent, so, more and more new apparatuses in the area of ​​aesthetic treatments are emerging as an adjunct for this wish to be fulfilled.

Among the possibilities, cryofrequency stands out as a current resource and with satisfactory results in reducing localized fat. According to the physiotherapist Luciene Maria de Paula of Space Life to the Body, this equipment had its appearance only in the last ten years, standing out in aesthetic clinics since then.

It can be applied to both the face and other regions of the body, this procedure promises to be the missing element to achieve a more toned skin, reducing fat and cellulite.

How does cryofrequency work and to whom is it indicated?

Cryofrequency has a technology that combines the cold of -10 ºC with a multipolar and monopolar radiofrequency, which, through a conversion process, generates a heat of up to 60 ºC. It is exactly this temperature difference that ensures visible results after treatment sessions.

According to Dr. Michele Matias, physiotherapist and director of Adoxy, a company that specializes in the manufacture of this type of equipment, the treatment of crypto-frequency can be applied in the following cases:

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  • Reduce wrinkles;
  • Improve the appearance of the skin;
  • Improve the quality of collagen and elastin;
  • Improve skin hydration;
  • Accelerate the elimination of toxins;
  • Reduce cellulite;
  • Combat stretch marks and fibrosis;
  • Improve the appearance of scars;
  • Fight fat located in the belly, breeches, flanks, arms and double chin;
  • Fight sagging in any area of ​​the body.

According to Luciene, the equipment has a cooling of its head, avoiding burns and producing thermal shocks to the tissues, destabilizing the metabolism of the place where it is applied. "This process mobilizes both fat cells and collagen, and its use is recommended for those seeking resolution of both body and facial tissue sagging and localized fat," he concludes.

6 Myths and Truths About Cryo-Frequency

With many promises in localized fat elimination, body harmonization, and decreased tissue sagging, cryofrequency may raise some patient doubt. Check out the myths and truths revealed by professionals:

1. Does cryofrequency cause burns?

Myth. The professional Luciene reveals that this treatment does not cause pain or burns. This is due to the presence of a cooling device at its base, not allowing damage to the skin.

2. Does cryofrequency improve the appearance of stretch marks?

Truth. ? Although not the best procedure for fighting stretch marks, cryofrequency increases collagen production, strengthening the structures of the skin, so in case of small and recent stretch marks, cryofrequency may improve their appearance, or even eliminate them ?, explains Dr. Michele.

3. Does cryofrequency combat localized fat in just 1 session?

Myth. Also according to Dr. Michele, to present results against localized fat, it takes between 4 and 10 sessions, depending on the case.

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4. Is cryofrequency effective in treating wrinkles and fine lines?

Truth. As Luciene explains, the application of cryofrequency will cause the collagen fibers to contract, leaving the skin firm and toned.

5. Does cryofrequency serve only to reduce localized fat?

Myth. According to Luciene, in addition to eliminating that fat that insists on getting in the worst places, this treatment is also very sought for improving the appearance of cellulite and sagging.

6. Who has metal prostheses or piercings can not do the cryofrequency?

Truth. Dr. Michele reveals that the equipment promotes intense heat that can travel throughout the body during the session. Because metal is a great conductor, it can attract radio frequency energy and can cause burns, discomfort, and even more serious complications. • People who wear piercings, earrings, bracelets or any other metal objects should remove them when doing the crypto frequency. Already people who have metal prostheses should not do the treatment ?, warns the professional.

With these clarifications of professionals it is easier to seek a clinic that specializes in this type of procedure, knowing a little more about its operation and action.

Cryofrequency x Cryolipolysis

Another popular treatment for those seeking to eliminate localized fat is cryolipolysis. Despite similar names both procedures have their particularities.

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According to Dr. Michele, cryo-frequency can be determined as a high-power radiofrequency treatment with cooled applicators by contrasting temperatures obtained by radiofrequency heat with cooled applicators.

Cryolipolysis is a treatment that combines selected and controlled fat cell cooling for about one hour at temperatures ranging from 0 to -15 ° C to cause programmed fat cell death. It aims only to reduce localized fat and can achieve as a side effect the reduction of sagging ?, reveals the expert.

This cooling process alters the cellular structure in that region, causing an inflammatory response with the resulting elimination of these fat cells, presenting its results in up to 90 days.

Contraindications to treatment

As a warning to those who wish to undergo this treatment, the physiotherapist Luciene reveals that its application is not indicated for pacemaker patients, people with positive diagnosis for skin cancer, carriers of implants (metallic or silicone) at the site of application, dermatitis. patients with corticosteroids, pregnant and lactating women. "Patients who perform cryolipolysis in the same region cannot use cryofrequency for a period of one month," he adds.

With considerable results seen throughout the treatment, cryofrequency is an alternative for those seeking to eliminate localized fats, improve sagging skin and smooth wrinkles and cellulite. Seek a qualified professional and enjoy the benefits of this treatment!

Read also: 9 aesthetic treatments to shape the body and reduce localized fat

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