5 Things You Must Do To Have Long And Strong Nails

Nails are highly prized in the universe of beauty, so many of us are in love with long, enameled, decorated nails and everything we are entitled to. More than just the tips of the fingers, they are part of the look and also follow style trends.

However, enjoying long nails is not always synonymous with having beautiful and healthy nails. If you are dissatisfied that your nails break too easily and never reach their optimal size, make sure you are not following any of the following tips:

1. Eat healthy

Nails are just like any other part of the body, so they are also very influenced by our diet. As they are made up mainly of a protein (keratin), it is very important that our diet offers adequate levels of amino acids. Protein sources like salmon and chicken are excellent options for this; Also, these foods offer zinc which is also essential for nails.

In addition, this part of the body needs a lot of vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid, which are mainly found in dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, and foods rich in Good fats like avocado.

2. Keep your nails well hydrated

As with skin, nails also become weaker, brittle and peeling when dehydrated. Therefore, it is necessary to include hydration of this body part in your daily beauty care.

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Applying a cuticle cream or oil a few times a day and protecting gloved hands and nails when handling cleansers are two habits that contribute to hydration of this region.

3. Don't use your nails as a tool

To open drink cans, tear off labels, fix the hook on a bracelet? It is very common to resort to nails to do these activities, but this is a habit that we should put aside.

By forcing nails against a hard surface, do we create small cracks that make it easier to break? or we already chipped our nails at once. So resist temptation and resort to the right instrument!

4. Do your nails often

Getting your nails done regularly helps them grow by the simple fact that thinking about preserving nail polish takes much more care of our hands. You know, when we have freshly done nails, we don't use them as tools (as we saw in the topic above) and we use gloves to protect them from chemicals. Also, having your manicure up-to-date helps break the nail-biting habit and lessens the urge to pull off? around them.

You don't necessarily have to go to the salon every week, as nail care at home already has this effect. However, it is necessary to use good quality nail polish, preferably hypoallergenic, and resort to acetone-free removers to avoid drying your nails. A safe limit must also be observed regarding cuticle removal, as they are essential for the health of this part of the body.

Also read: 6 Homemade Recipes To Make Nails Grow Faster

Have you heard of fiber nails? Find out how many women are profiting from the famous fiber nails, gaining a large clientele and increasing their household income with the fiber nail course. This technique has turned into a fever in the US and is now very successful in Brazil. I want to learn how to do fiber nails now

5. Have patience!

Having long, strong nails is a time-consuming process, so you need to be patient. Unfortunately, the results don't show up overnight because the fingertips have their growth and recovery time? fingernails take about 6 months to fully renew.

At this time, it is very likely that your nails will break, because you have to wait until the fragile part is replaced. Don't be upset: this is momentary and will pass as long as you stick to your care routine.

It may be interesting to consult a dermatologist to check that there is no other problem with your nails and, if necessary, to indicate a special strengthening base for you. Have patience and soon you will have the nails you always wanted.

How to grow LONG & STRONG nails (long nail care routine) (March 2024)

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