Infallible tips to fight arm sagging once and for all

Does it bother many women and seems extremely difficult to eliminate? Sometimes it even limits some day-to-day movements, such as the simple act of "saying goodbye". to someone.

Arm sagging is a fairly common complaint in dermatology offices, according to dermatologist Eidi Motta Cardoso of Dermacentro.

The tendency to sagging skin is genetically determined. • While some women are born with firm and consistent skin; others are extremely easy to develop sagging in various parts of the body. Certainly, the latter will be sagging in the area of ​​the younger and more intense arms. Can this occur due to the loss of collagen and skin density in the region? what we call sagging skin; and due to the loss of muscle tone in the region, which generates a picture of sagging muscles ?, highlights the dermatologist.

Eidi explains that sagging skin happens as a result of the normal aging process, often aggravated by overexposure to the sun or due to cigarette use, stress, errors in eating habits, weight fluctuation, among other causes. "Muscle flaccidity occurs solely due to the lack of physical exercises," he says.

The doctor points out that often in the same patient can find associated these two types of sagging, which gives the woman the appearance of "aging arms". "It ends up making her shy even to wave, afraid to show off 'goodbye muscle', and to wear short-sleeved clothes, which limits her quality of life," he explains.

Read also: How to decrease sagging after losing weight

At what age is sagging arms most common?

Eidi explains that there is no exact age, but often women over the age of forty are more susceptible to this type of problem. "Because at this stage, with the decrease in hormones, there is an acceleration in the process of weakening of collagen, which results in the worsening of the sagging skin," he says.

In addition, the doctor adds, some women decrease or quit their sports activities at this stage, which also contributes to the general worsening of the condition.

6 habits that contribute to a healthy young body

Dermatologist Eidi cites helpful measures to keep the body young and healthy in general:

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  1. Eat properly by observing protein intake daily;
  2. Regularly engage in physical activity;
  3. Avoid excessive sun exposure;
  4. Control the weight;
  5. Avoid smoking;
  6. Avoid excessive stress.

In this context, it can also be said that combining healthy eating with physical activity and relying on the help of modern treatments is the ideal formula to combat sagging arms.

Feeding to combat sagging arms

Daniela de Almeida, functional and sports nutritionist, points out that there are no "arm specific" foods, but rather to avoid sagging in general.

The nutritionist points out that, to improve sagging and have a more beautiful skin, the person should include in their diet:

  • Fruits (especially those rich in vitamin C, which help regulate collagen production in the body);
  • Vegetables;
  • Lean red meat;
  • Chicken fillet;
  • Turkey breast (other than smoked);
  • Fish;
  • Eggs;
  • Lean cheeses;
  • Yogurts;
  • Sweet potato;
  • Oats (which is rich in silicon, a key building mineral for collagen synthesis and firm skin);
  • Legumes (such as chickpeas, beans, lentils, and peas, as legumes are rich in minerals such as magnesium, which aid in the synthesis of collagen, essential for skin elasticity);
  • Oilseeds (important because they contain monounsaturated fats that help keep the skin elastic);
  • Seafood (which is rich in copper, excellent ally in collagen constitution).

Daniela also points out that the person can not forget to drink enough water and avoid the consumption of soda, alcohol, tobacco, fast foods, salt and sweets.

There are also various aesthetic treatments that aid in sagging, which specifically treat sagging arms, in addition to physical exercise. But you must always combine them with a balanced diet, and rely on the help of appropriate professionals ?, adds the functional and sports nutritionist.

Read also: Stop sagging breasts

Exercises to combat sagging arms

Physical trainer Felipe Roberto Zumpichiatti comments that sagging arms may be related to the accumulation of fat that, in women, tends to accumulate in different places than in men.

"If we talk about gym, we have to focus more on exercises that are with lower loads and a greater number of repetitions (between 12-15 repetitions)," says Felipe Zumpichiatti.

Also according to the fitness coach, the exercises that can help in this regard are directed to the triceps (back of the arm) and biceps. ? But with a better direction to the first ?, comments.

It is important to emphasize that sagging is directly linked with fat accumulation, so the main measure is increased aerobic exercise! Weight training or counter-resistance exercises only serve to increase muscle tone. None of this will do any good if the muscle is covered by a? Cape? fat ?, highlights Felipe Zumpichiatti.

Below, the fitness trainer cites two examples of exercises:

Read also: Heccus: Reduction of localized fat, cellulite and sagging

First exercise: standing, extend one arm above your head; With the other, hold your elbow so the extended arm does not move. Use some overload (weights, sugar bags, soda cans), extend and flex your elbows, doing 12-15 repetitions.

Second exercise: lying on your back, extend both arms together and extended in front of your face; separate your hand at the line of your shoulders. Consistently use some equal overload on each hand or one overload with both hands. Bend and straighten your elbows by bringing your hands close to your forehead. Repeat this 12-15 times.

Treatments to combat sagging arms

There is now a huge arsenal of procedures to help combat sagging arms. "These methods, especially when combined, have excellent results in different cases of sagging arms," ​​says dermatologist Eidi.

"The ideal combination of treatments varies for each patient and should be determined by the treating physician," adds the professional.

Beautician and cosmetologist Liandra Mezzomo, from Esmell Leblon Salon, points out that, in her opinion, the radiofrequency device is the best to combat sagging arms. "The heated fibers contract, shrinking the skin, giving it a firmer appearance," he says.

Also according to the beautician, radiofrequency acts a lot on those who had children, did diet and / or plastic surgery, where they had fibrosis. "It is contraindicated for pregnant women, carriers of metal prostheses, pacemaker, cancer, arthritis and under 18 years," he says.

Below, dermatologist Eidi talks about the treatments she considers most effective for treating arm flaccidity:

1. Non-ablative radio frequency: Accent Ultra®

According to doctor Eidi, this is one of the most effective methods for sagging skin. • Promotes controlled volumetric warming of the skin, raising the surface temperature to 40 ° C, while at depth the temperature reaches 60 ° C. This heating transforms the electromagnetic energy into heat, promoting collagen reorganization, improving skin circulation, stimulating the lymphatic system, stimulating collagen neoformation, improving skin tone ?, explains.

Do the results, according to Eidi, occur between two and four weeks? when the production of new collagen occurs in the skin.

The sessions are weekly and can be held at all times of the year. "The number of sessions varies from case to case, but it usually takes 8 to 12 sessions, fortnightly, to get an optimal result," explains the dermatologist.

2. Micro Focused Ultrasound: DOUBLO®

According to Eidi, this is the most modern method used for sagging skin. It is a Micro-Focused Ultrasound with High-Intensity-Focused-Ultrasound technology that accurately warms the deepest layers of the skin, providing collagen formation, muscle contraction and ultimately excellent results. sagging treatment ?, he says.

The results come in just one session, says the doctor.

3. Infrared Laser: Harmony XL, NIR® Laser

Eidi points out that this is an excellent method for immediate improvement of skin sagging. It uses an infrared light source to warm the skin and causes the collagen to contract immediately, reducing the appearance of sagging in the first session, which is called the "cinderella effect". But, it takes 6 to 10 sessions with monthly intervals for there to be a definite decrease in the sagging arms ?, explains.

4. Fractional Laser Resurfacing: Pixel CO2®

"Excellent method for improving the entire surface of the skin, which promotes the emergence of revitalized skin, with decreased sagging," says Eidi.

The new skin, according to the doctor, will look firmer and more elastic, lighter, with smoother texture and expressive reduction of cellulite and sagging.

"The number of sessions varies with each case, and the smoother the application, the less effective the result will be, but it usually takes 1-3 sessions a month to get an optimal result," adds the dermatologist. .

5. Intradermotherapy for sagging

This is a method for treating sagging skin through the application of microinjections in the sagging region, with the aim of promoting collagen stimulation, improving skin circulation and revitalizing it.

"The number of sessions varies from case to case, but usually 10 to 20 sessions are required," explains the dermatologist.

Eidi adds that as the treatment involves stings there may be bruising (blood seeping into the body's tissue) and it may be necessary to move away from the sun during treatment.

6. Carboxitherapy

According to Eidi, it is a traditional method for treating sagging skin by applying carbon dioxide gas (CO2). "Such application in the arms aims to promote the stimulation of metabolism and circulation of the skin, improving collagen production, reducing sagging," he says.

Bruising may occur, the doctor points out, and it may be necessary to move away from the sun during treatment.

"The number of sessions varies from case to case, but usually it takes 10 to 20 sessions, which should be weekly," adds the dermatologist.

7. Russian Current Electrostimulation: Phydias®

This is a method for treating muscle sagging, according to Eidi. Does it use electric currents to stimulate muscle groups in the upper arm, favoring the increase in tone? gain that can be maintained after treatment at the expense of oriented physical activity ?, says.

"Sessions are required twice a week, usually totaling more than 15 sessions," explains the doctor.

Plastic surgery x clinical treatments

Eidi explains that, in the past, plastic surgery was the only option to solve sagging arms. "Today, it is used to remove large excess skin that may result, for example, after a very intense weight loss process, such as after stomach reduction surgeries," he says.

The dermatologist points out that the great advantage of clinical treatments is that, unlike plastic surgery, besides leaving no scars, they do not require any care after treatment, nor any removal from routine activities.

You now have some good tips for ending arm sagging. Remember that, by itself, no measure can do "miracles". The ideal is to combine a balanced diet with physical activity and clinical treatments to achieve truly effective results.


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