Coffee: How much can I take per day?

Coffee is a drink that is part of most people's lives. It is often consumed early in the morning; sometimes after lunch or at that? break? from work in the middle of the afternoon.

By the way, there are few people who never bet on a coffee to? Amaze? sleep and tiredness, isn't it?

But when it comes to coffee, there are always questions like, is this a healthy drink? Can everyone consume? And above all, how much coffee is allowed to drink per day?

If you're a good coffee lover, you can't go without checking the answers to these questions below!

Caffeine: Benefits and Harms to the Body

Most people talk about the stimulating effect of coffee, which is due to the presence of caffeine.

Karina Valentim, nutritionist from PB Consultoria em Nutritional, explains that caffeine is a chemical compound, classified as alkaloid, belonging to the group of xanthines, being the most known component of coffee. "Its main scientifically proven effects are: central nervous system stimulating effect, decreased sleep and heart muscle stimulant," he says.

The main benefits of caffeine, Karina points out, are:

  • Central nervous system stimulation (increasing the alertness of the individual).
  • Stimulation of the cardiac muscle.
  • Improvement of cognitive functionality.
  • Studies show that in experimental models of neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, caffeine would have a neuroprotective effect.
  • Have some in vitro studies shown caffeine antioxidant activity? which would make it a potential protector against the deleterious effects caused on the cardiovascular system.

In contrast, some studies also suggest that regular coffee consumption may be related to the risk of hypertension, Karina explains. But the mechanism is not well established. Is caffeine in the cardiovascular system believed to produce an acute increase in cardiac output and artery vasoconstriction? What could lead to high blood pressure? he says.

In addition, the nutritionist adds, caffeine would act on adenosine hormone receptors, exerting inhibitory action on this hormone, preventing it from acting as a blood pressure reducer. "However, it is noteworthy that the results are conflicting, since factors such as smoking, stress, alcoholism and genetics can interfere with the results and increase the risk of hypertension," he says.

In addition to coffee, caffeine is present in green tea, mate tea, cocoa (chocolate), cola or guarana.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

In general, one cup (50 ml) of strained coffee contains 25 mg to 50 mg of caffeine. One cup (50 ml) of espresso contains from 50 mg to 80 mg. It is noteworthy that these values ​​may vary according to the product formulation.

For comparison: A cup (80 ml) of cappuccino contains 80 mg to 100 mg of caffeine and a can of cola based from 30 mg to 60 mg.

Risks of excess caffeine in the body

Knowing that caffeine is not only present in coffee, but also in other commonly consumed foods (such as tea, chocolate, etc.), it is worth noting that the excess of this chemical can pose health risks.

According to Karina, one of the main symptoms of caffeine excess is insomnia and mental agitation. "The individual can still feel increased heart rate (accelerated beats)," he says.

Too much caffeine can lead to increased diuresis (increased urine volume), nausea, headaches, stomach aches and decreased bone density, the nutritionist adds.

What is the recommended daily amount of coffee?

Karina points out that there is no coffee / caffeine recommendation. "Moderate consumption of up to 3 cups a day in healthy people can be beneficial, with a maximum of 400 mg of caffeine a day," he explains.

Coffee: disease prevention

Research has shown that moderate coffee consumption by adults may be beneficial and has been linked to the prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases. "Several studies show positive effects of caffeine on reduced glucose tolerance and increased insulin sensitivity due to increased expression of GLUT-4 (signaling glucose entry into the cell)," says Karina.

? Caffeine consumption in Brazil ?,? The effect of caffeine on creatine kinase activity in diabetic rat tissues? and? Acute treatment with caffeine and L-Arginine reduces glycemic levels in obese rats undergoing aerobic exercise? These are some of the studies cited by the nutritionist.

According to Karina, other studies (Caffeine protects from amnesia and neuronal death in an experimental model of Alzheimer's and Coffee disease: a drink rich in substances with important clinical effects, especially caffeine) show that in experimental disease models. neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, caffeine would have a neuroprotective effect.

Caffeine also for your beauty

It's not just as a stimulant that caffeine works! The chemical has potent antioxidant power and thus helps to combat cellulite and localized fat, as well as soften dark circles. Yes, the benefits that caffeine can offer with regard to women's beauty are many, such as stimulating cell regeneration, blood circulation, rejuvenation and revitalization of the skin.

It is worth noting, however, that the ideal way to take advantage of the benefits that caffeine can offer to beauty is to use products prescribed by a dermatologist.

Caffeine vs. Pregnancy

But can pregnant women also consume coffee? Or can caffeine pose risks to pregnancy?

Karina points out that excess caffeine in pregnancy has shown some risks:

  • Fetal growth reduction;
  • Prematurity;
  • Intrauterine growth restriction;
  • Spontaneous abortion;
  • Malformations in the gestational period.

"Therefore, coffee intake by pregnant women should be guided and monitored by the doctor or nutritionist, following the history of each pregnancy," concludes nutritionist Karina.

Now you know that while some studies point to the benefits of coffee (especially due to the presence of caffeine), coffee consumption should be moderate. Otherwise, the drink may pose health risks.

Is Coffee Bad For You | How Much Caffeine In A Cup Of Coffee | Responding To Your Comments (March 2024)

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