Jumping helps to lose belly

Summer is the season to enjoy the heat on the beach and sunbathe to get tanned skin. But if you've been relaxing all year and now you're ashamed to wear a bikini, because those chubby belly fat is bothering you and keeping you from enjoying the hot days, there's still time to work it out.

To have an always fit body, you need to follow a balanced diet not only months or weeks before taking a vacation, but all year round. In addition to diet, you need to exercise to get great results, even better if they can be done anywhere without taking too much time. After all, the busy schedule is one of the major obstacles for those who want to lead a healthier life.

Among the exercise options to do at home, jumping is the ideal way to start exercising every day and lose belly fat. It's a simple concept physical activity that doesn't need accessory tracking and anyone can practice.

Jumping exercises fall into the category of aerobic exercise because its feature is long lasting and low intensity, which is great for losing belly.

The advantage of playing jacks is that this simple exercise can replace equipment such as a bicycle and treadmill. A good exchange for those who don't like the gym or don't have gym equipment at home.

To work the belly hard and get rid of the handles once and for all with physical activities, interleave the jumping jacks with muscular endurance activities. A minute of jumping between one activity and another for a maximum of three sessions is already essential for exercising the belly.

How to juggle correctly

Jumping involves synchronized arm and leg movements. To start the exercise, you must be on a flat surface and have the correct spine. With your legs together and extended, keep your feet at a 90 degree angle. Bend your knees and extend them slightly to give your body momentum. Avoid overdoing the impulse so as not to accelerate so much at the beginning of the activity.

Do the synchronized "open and close" motion of the arms and legs opening an arc parallel to the longitudinal direction of the body, so that the palms meet above the head.

Keep doing the movement until you can reach an impulse speed. If you get lost in the middle of the movement, stop and resume activity from the beginning.

To ensure good results, it is recommended to do the jumping exercise every day for one minute, two to five sets, resting 30 seconds between each. If you are new to physical activity, begin by doing the exercise in a small amount and increase the set as time goes on or your body can handle it.

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  • Fitness, Lose Belly
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