5 Cigarette Harms To Your Beauty

Everyone knows that cigarettes cause various problems for the body and compromise health. But in addition to disease, the harm caused by smoking can also be perceived externally.

Chemicals and toxics from cigarette composition and unpleasant smelling smoke also damage the look of the smoker. Get ready to meet some of cigarette damage to beauty and rethink addiction.

1 ? Wrinkles on the face

With the consumption of cigarettes, the skin suffers various aggressions. Nicotine triggers the destruction of collagen and elastin, which is where the signs of sagging and deep wrinkles that give the appearance of an aged face appear.

A simple drag contracts various muscles of the mouth and with the repetition of this movement, the region loses strength and elasticity, so wrinkles around the lips appear.

Cigarette addiction also causes crow's feet around the eyes to appear earlier. This is because of the heat of cigarette burning and the chemicals in tobacco, which are primarily responsible for internal damage to the structures of the skin and blood vessels around the eyes.

2 ? Yellow smile and bad breath

In addition to the appearance of wrinkles around the lips, the cigarette causes other damage to the mouth, such as bad breath and yellow teeth. Nicotine affects the tissues that protect and support the teeth and the tar (cigarette substance) leaves the smile yellow.

Smokers tend to have persistent bad breath and may have gum problems, easier tooth loss, and even more serious illnesses such as cancer.

3- Skin and finger blemishes

Nicotine has a similar effect to unprotected sun exposure, which destroys collagen and elastin fibers, accelerating the aging process. Another problem is that cigarettes deprive the skin of oxygen and various nutrients, so some parts of the body may be uneven in color. Dark spots can appear all over the face, especially in the dark circles around the eyes.

In addition to the blemishes on the skin, the fingers and nails appear yellow in color simply by holding the cigarette between your fingers. The substance responsible for this is tar.

4- Damaged Hair

Smoking is a major cause of hair loss. The strands fall because nicotine lodges in the walls of the veins, reducing blood circulation and preventing important nutrients that keep hair healthy and beautiful from reaching the root. The problem can be intense, with sharp drop of hair and even signs of baldness.

The temperature of the cigarette also contributes to the premature aging of the hair, leaves the hair dull and dry, can cause scalp scaling and the appearance of split ends. Smoking also speeds up the loss of melanin in the strands, so white hair appears earlier.

The bad smell of nicotine harms the hair because it stays in the hair for a long time and often the hair products are not able to remove all the smell of smoke at bath time.

5- Sagging in the body

Cigarettes not only damage the appearance of your face, but also the rest of your body. According to research, the regions of the body that suffer most are the arms and breasts, which are usually attacked by sagging.

"TRUE STORY" You Will Never Smoke Cigarettes after watching this video (March 2024)

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