Live together or get married?

Many couples, after some time in the relationship, begin to wonder if they should just live together or get married. However, the law considers that stable union is "the lasting, public and continuous coexistence of a man and a woman, established for the purpose of constituting a family"; Therefore, living together is already considered a kind of marriage in practice.

The biggest difference between the two cases is the way the couple views their relationship. There are those who believe it is necessary to make an official commitment to society to demonstrate their commitment, and some think that living together sharing life together is enough. Getting married entails costs, not necessarily ceremony costs, but notarization is an investment.

There are couples who choose to marry in civil for bureaucratic reasons, so that in their documents that the union is official and so that children born of this relationship do not have problems with their documents, school registration and so that they are not in doubt about the relationship. Of your parents.

In any case, when deciding to live together, whether married or just living in the same house; One must learn to deal with the routine of two, division of responsibilities, including financial. It is at this moment that one can have a real idea if the relationship can be lasting or not, because during the relationship the couple's life is simpler, because they meet at certain times, share more pleasant moments and fewer problems.

In view of this, some couples psychotherapists believe that it is important to have a test before deciding to make such an important and challenging decision in their lives. Perhaps the couple can live together a few months before making the marriage official or moving permanently to a house together to find out if the time is right.

In any case, it is important to keep in mind the respect for differences and the search for harmony between the two, as each has different opinions, habits and values. Thus, it is avoided that coexistence becomes a problem in the face of the difficulties of everyday life and that the couple ends up drifting away as a result of problems unresolved.

Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage? (April 2024)

  • Marriage, Relationships
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