Localized gymnastics aids in weight loss and muscle toning

Nowadays, there are available to everyone the most varied types of physical exercises for those who want to move, either to lose or maintain weight, or to achieve more health and quality of life.

These are options for all tastes, ranging from outdoor activities to traditional weight gyms and fitness classes to more recent activities such as functional training, crossfit or certain dance classes. . Anyway, only those who want to stay still!

And among the many ways to exercise is one that, while not new, never ceased to have space: localized gymnastics.

Felipe Kutianski, Ziva Physical Trainer, graduated in Physical Education from the University Center of Brazil (UniBrasil) of Curitiba (PR) and postgraduate in Exercise Biochemistry from Gama Filho University (RJ), with Kettlebell Basic certification obtained in St. Petersburg ( Russia), comments that localized gymnastics became very famous decades ago, mainly for video classes, being spread by the American professionals. "They usually used unilateral movements and accessories as a form of overload (shin guards, for example).", He says.

Luciene Maria de Paula, L&L Space Life to the Body physiotherapist, postgraduate in dermatofunctional and beautician, personal trainer, Pilates instructor and functional training, defines that the localized gymnastics uses movements focused on certain muscle groups and are done in a way. repetitive. "Each repetition session should be separated by a break for muscle rest," he explains.

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For Luciene, localized gymnastics is well-suited for both women and men who want to burn more calories, dislike bodybuilding and / or prefer something more "lively".

6 Good Reasons To Adopt Localized Gymnastics

The expert Luciene highlights as main advantages of localized gymnastics:

1. Posture Improvement: By having a large collection of exercises, the gym located trains the whole body in a balanced way, contributing to a better posture.

2. Helps to increase and / or preserve muscle mass:Localized gymnastics is a good choice, whether to gain mass or maintain what you already have, which brings advantages not only from the aesthetic point of view, but also to health in general.

3. Improvement of psychomotor skills: With varied exercise, localized gymnastics can contribute to improved agility, balance, and coordination.

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4. Prevention of possible injuries: When done correctly and often, localized gymnastics help reduce and cushion potential everyday injuries as the muscles get stronger and protect tendons and ligaments.

5. Improved fitness and quality of life: Like other physical activities, localized gymnastics take one out of a sedentary lifestyle and provide better conditioning, not only for the person exercising, but for performing all their daily activities. All of this provides even better quality of life.

6. Weight loss aid: Like other activities, localized gymnastics is a good ally in the weight loss process. It provides muscle strengthening and thus greater fat loss, as well as helping to shape the body and assist the cardiorespiratory system.

Felipe reinforces that everything depends a lot on the characteristics and intensity of the class and each teacher, but usually, with localized gymnastics, gains in endurance and muscle power are presented, thus offering significant results in cardiorespiratory responses and weight loss.

Localized gymnastics and weight loss

Luciene points out that localized gymnastics can help with weight loss, because energy expenditure during an hour of activity can range from 350 to 500 calories. "But it is noteworthy that the exact amount of calories is defined taking into account factors such as the intensity of the class, the pace (in beats per minute) and the body weight of the person," he says.

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"In addition, this type of activity contributes to the preservation of muscle mass, which causes fat mass to be eliminated, as well as decreased sagging." So collaborating in a general way to the healthy weight loss process ?, adds Luciene.

Felipe emphasizes that weight loss will depend a lot on the intensity of the class and other factors such as: volume, interval, energy pathways and others. The expert also recalls the essential roles of dietary reeducation and weekly training frequency, using tension or metabolic overload in gym classes.

? Gymnastics will act as a stimulus, ie just one? Piece? Felipe said of the process of weight loss, being essential a nutritional monitoring, because the definition of muscle is nothing less than the reduction of fat percentage, with a good volume of muscle mass?

Localized gymnastics x bodybuilding

Felipe explains that gymnastics used a more metabolic training route, with few repetitions, isometries, trying to leave a more oxidative muscular environment. "Bodybuilding usually uses a more tension pathway, using mechanical overload to the muscles, acting through microlesions for their gains, such as hypertrophy," he says.

In summary: Gymnastics will focus on endurance and muscle toning, while bodybuilding will focus more on hypertrophy and muscle strength. Both will show results in cardiorespiratory gains and weight loss, depending on how the teacher organize the training ?, highlights Felipe.

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For Luciene, bodybuilding is best suited for people who want to gain muscle strength and volume. "Already localized gymnastics can be a good choice for those who want to burn more calories and seek a more stimulating activity, since gymnastics is performed in the rhythm of music," he says.

Home gymnastics

Felipe explains that calisthenics (exercise without the use of apparatus) is the best form of gymnastics to be done at home. "To perform the exercises, you can use only body weight or add some accessories."

Below, the fitness coach cites examples of home-based exercises:


The person will do a squat, then go into a plank position, performing an arm flexion. In the final phase, she will return from bending to the board, jumping to the squat position and finishing with a vertical jump.

Squats with vertical heels

The person will squat to about 90 degrees from the knees, returning to the starting position and ending with a full jump, taking the feet off the ground.

Russian Twist with Kettlebell

Sitting, the person will hold the kettlebell at chest height and without letting the feet touch the ground. With controlled movements, the person will perform a trunk rotation, causing the kettlebell to touch the ground on the side of his hip without the feet touching the floor.

Arm flexion with hand support

The person will be in a plank position with elbows extended, touching only the tiptoes of the ground. The hands will be holding the flexion pads, which will make the range of motion wider. By flexing only the elbows, the person will approach the MET chest, almost touching or touching if necessary. In the final phase, the person will perform the extension of the elbows until they are aligned again. If necessary, the student can place the knees on the ground as a way to soften the intensity of the exercise.

Luciene comments that there are many exercises that can be done at home. "However, going to a gym or hiring a teacher who gives you more specific guidance would be ideal to achieve good results," he advises.

Other exercises that can be successfully done at home with the help of household items, according to the personal trainer, are:

  • Jump rope;
  • Run or cycle;
  • Sit-ups;
  • Direct thread;
  • French triceps;
  • Lateral elevation;

To safely exercise at home, Felipe advises: • Try to be very careful with your referral sources. If possible, use the advice of a qualified professional to prepare your workouts and certain adaptations ?.

Luciene adds that the best precautions for doing gymnastics at home are: warm up and stretch to avoid injury and do the basics well. Do not do any strenuous exercises or exercises you have seen on the internet as they may cause you an accident or even a more serious injury. And preferably always have the help of a professional ?, concludes the personal trainer.

Remember that the practice of at least one physical activity is essential for a better quality of life. So it is worth finding a type of activity that you identify with and keep you motivated to practice often!

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