Mermaid Dress: How to wear this model full of charm and sensuality

How not to fall in love with a mermaid dress? The model that is no longer exclusive to the red-haired and famous bridesmaids arrived not only to meet various proposals, but also to further enhance the feminine curves, regardless of height and body type.

Image and style consultant Helena Villar explains that the key feature of a mermaid dress is exactly what enhances the look: The waist and hip-fitting modeling abruptly opens from the knee-down line, thus creating the effect of the tail. This cut forms an hourglass-shaped silhouette, bringing more sensuality and glamor to the look.

But what to combine with such a striking dress? According to the expert, it depends a lot on the proposal you want to create:? Because it is a sensual modeling, it is interesting to include in the composition very feminine shoes, bags and accessories. If the idea is to leave the look delicate, invest in lace fabrics, a princess neckline, tulle, soft tones, classic and small earrings, neutral makeup and hair tied. For a more sensual style, think of accessories that discreetly mitigate this, such as an open strap sandal, accessories that accompany the neckline, a dramatic makeup, with well-marked eyes, and loose hair. Colors also count a lot for this projection. There is also the minimalist proposal, in which the dress is the only protagonist. For this, bet on a smooth fabric, without prints and opaque, almost no accessories, leaving the lap on purpose?

Check out some beautiful compositions with mermaid dresses and the best professional tips to ensure an elegant, sophisticated and feminine look on both formal and casual occasions:

Midi mermaid

For the shorter models of this modeling, it is important to wear it with high heels and preferably that the shoes are open, showing the foot enough, so that the silhouette is not flattened:? Prefer smaller and more delicate bars, with a volume that suggest the mermaid silhouette, to ensure a long feel to the body ?, explains the consultant.

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Casual long mermaid

For more laid-back events and venues, Helena suggests more open colors, prints, fabrics, and more laid-back materials: • Knitting or crochet patterns look great in this more body-shaped modeling and can be worn on more informal occasions with peace of mind. Remember to fit in with everything else, as the most casual hair and makeup, bags and accessories too, thicker heeled sandals, high heeled sandals and even the most elegant underpants can work.

Party Long Mermaid

Formal parties and gala events are occasions when the mermaid dress is most worn, and what makes it appropriate for the situation is the refinement of its fabric, which can be smooth, embroidered or with stones. Tip of the consultant: "Speaking of glamor, you can abuse brightness, can be in the dress, makeup, accessories or any element that bring this idea of ​​sophistication."

Long mermaid with transparency

Adding transparency to the mermaid dress adds more sensuality, and doesn't necessarily have to be exclusive to red carpet celebrities. Helena emphasizes that the secret is in the right dosage so that the sexy does not become vulgar:? Nowadays is common? Play? with the nude / skin tone effect on mainly party clothes, under lace and embroidery that simulate transparency in small doses ?.

6 mermaid dresses to buy online

Here are some mermaid dress options from the selection below for both formal and casual occasions:

Where to buy

  1. Black and Gold Mermaid Dress at Bonprix
  2. Mermaid Midi Cityblue Dress at Americanas
  3. Mermaid Wave Dress at Oqvestir
  4. Midi Dimy Mermaid Dress in Kanui
  5. Long Dress with Butterfly Print at Showcase Outlet
  6. Pink Tricot Mermaid Dress at Dafiti
  7. Quintess Ethnic Mermaid Dress at Posthaus

Make sure the model that suits your proposal and style!

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Get inspired by more fashionista productions with mermaid dresses

Printed, plain or embroidered does not matter! Ideally, the result is devastating!

When choosing a mermaid dress, remember that the occasion needs to match the dramaticness of your modeling: By being knee-length, the mermaid dress will slightly limit movement, and the gait will be more contained, more delicate. Avoid it if the event calls for wider and more agile movements ?, concludes the professional.

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