See which foods help in the fight against smoking

When we think of habits that are hard to break free, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Certainly, most would answer 'smoking'. Many people have been shown to be willing to give up the habit and for this they have resorted to medical treatments or even therapies.

However, recent studies indicate that food reeducation has been much more efficient in fight against smoking. We have selected 4 food suggestions that can help in this battle. Check out.

Foods That Help You Quit Smoking

1 ? Water

Try to drink a lot of water. Water can be the first step to quitting smoking as it aids the body in eliminating toxins and helps lessen anxiety every time you think about lighting a cigarette. Is drinking too much water one of the first new habits? and healthier? that will start to be part of your routine. So, make a habit of drinking water whenever you have urge to smoke.

2 ? Milk derivatives

A glass of milk can also be one of the great allies in this fight. Research published in scientific journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research confirm that both milk and its derivatives, such as cheese or yogurt, not only help to eliminate nicotine from the smoker's body, but also alter the taste of the cigarette, making it taste terrible.

3? Fruits and vegetables

In addition to milk and its derivatives, there are other foods that worsen the taste of cigarettes: fruits, vegetables and vegetables. A big advantage in consuming these foods is that besides helping the person to quit smokingThey provide a large amount and variety of vitamins and minerals contributing to a healthier life with a host of both physical and mental benefits.

4? Crispy food

Once again, studies published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research demonstrate that crispy textured foods tend to better meet the needs of those who are trying to quit, as well as water, alleviating anxiety. Carrots, apples, nuts, peanuts and popcorn are good examples.

Foods to Avoid

Some foods, such as milk and fruits, help fight smokingwhile others may increase the urge to smoke. This is the case with red meat. Drinks such as alcohol and coffee, in addition to asking for a cigarette, improve the taste of the cigarette, so should be avoided.

In the end it is important to remember that get rid of cigarette addiction It is a challenge that requires courage and attitude. Willpower needs to be strong to put new and healthier habits in place, but it's worth it, because it's your health and well-being that are at stake.

Stop Smoking - Why is it so hard? - Mayo Clinic (April 2024)

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