Study Shows Many Women Don't Feel "Mothers" after childbirth

At the request of Colief Infant Drops, a study was conducted with 2000 mothers and it showed that most of them did not feel mother at birth. It is well known that when mothers hold their children for the first time, a bond is born that only they understand. That is the famous feeling of being a mother. which did not occur in the interviewees, on the contrary, they were affected by the feeling of extreme responsibility for another life, which caused postpartum psychological problems in about one third of them.

More than half, 54% of them, claim to have lied to parents and relatives about "doing super well". with mother's life. They still feel badly failing in their role as mothers, especially when the child cries, taking it as a problem with them and not with the child, looking at it as if they are not "good mothers".

The thing that worries them most is sleepless nights: 79% say these were the hardest times after having a child. With the growth of younger mothers, it is natural that they are neither psychologically nor physically ready to face the great responsibility of having a child and raising them in the best way possible.

Postpartum Depression, You’re Not Alone (May 2024)

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