Tagging Tips for Instagram Users

Social networks are becoming more successful every day and there is always a novelty among them, the problem is that with such popularity, the gaffes also start to emerge. Instagram is not free from this rule and many people don't seem to realize that the site is viewed by everyone who accesses it freely and that the followers you have are keeping an eye on what you post. Check out the following tips to avoid inconvenience in this photo sharing social network:

  • Hashtags ? #sure # you # have # seen # someone #tagging #pictures #so, isn't it? Hashtags (#) work to tag images and separate them from others by subject, so if you take a photo of your city, you can use the city name tag and those looking for local photos will find your image. . Beware of exaggeration and unnecessary tags, stick to the relevant topics only.
  • Content ? Unless you really have a project of taking pictures of the same thing (like yourself, to keep track of the year) or meaningless things every day, always try to show what is really beautiful and interesting. Hardly will followers follow anyone with content that is not worth seeing.
  • Copyright ? Be careful what you post, make sure the image is yours, if it is not or if it is editing based on another image, always remember to credit it correctly. Remember that the purpose of the network is to make your photos and edit them in your own way to compose an interesting and original image.
  • Background ? Background space can make all the difference in an image. No one likes to see certain things in the photo like unnecessary mess and dirt besides objects like the toilet. Unless these are the image proposition. Remember that people are always watching and checking your content, so be careful not to make gaffes.
  • Angles ? Always try to find the best angle of each object, person or place you are shooting and all attempts are valid, but avoid uploading multiple versions of the same image just by changing the angle, especially if under the same context. .
  • Egocentrism ? Beware of overdoing selfies. Those who follow you usually want to see your daily life, what you like and what you do, not just photos in front of the mirror or turning the camera to the face.

It may sound boring, but it's always good to pay attention to the content you enjoy and enjoy online. Remember that people like your friends, co-workers, bosses, and family members are seeing, and good use of social networks can greatly increase not only your popularity, but also the judgment people make about you.

12 Tips & Tricks for Instagram Users (May 2024)

  • Social networks
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