Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon and generates pain in different parts of the body.

Although the name is common, many people still doubt what tendonitis is. The problem, which can affect people of all ages, is summarized as inflammation of one or more tendons. It can occur in any tendon of the body, but most often involves the tendons of the shoulders, elbows, hands and wrists, ankles and feet.

José Ribamar Moreno, rheumatologist, pain specialist, master of medicine from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and coordinator of the Intensive Pain Treatment Center (CTIDor), explains that tendonitis is a disease characterized by tendon inflammation. which are the structures that transmit muscle traction to the bone and allow movement. "They may be small, like the hands, or large, like the heel tendon," he says.

The causes of tendonitis, according to the expert, are almost always mechanical, due to repetitive and prolonged efforts, excess force or vicious position. "They can also be chemical when related to dehydration of tendons and muscles, and inadequate nutrition, which can cause the accumulation of toxins in the body," he says.

Moreno points out that the lower limbs tendons near the ankle and knee joints, such as Achilles and patellar tendons, are the most commonly affected.

Tendonitis is often related to the patient's profession or activity when, for example, he makes repetitive movements to perform his function.

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"Professions or activities with a lot of load or impact can be associated with the main triggering factors that are trauma or repeated tendon trauma," says Moreno.

Examples of professionals who may be affected by tendonitis are: telephone operators, pianists, dancers, athletes (tennis players, soccer players, volleyball and handball), typists, etc.

Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

But after all, what are the signs that are really associated with tendonitis?

Below, Moreno talks about the main symptoms of tendonitis in different parts of the body:

Shoulder Tendonitis (Biceps Tendonitis)

  • Pain when moving the arm or shoulders, especially in movements above the shoulder.
  • Pain on palpation (touch) of the region.

Elbow Tendonitis (Triceps Tendonitis)

  • Pain when bending and / or stretching the arm.
  • Stiffness in the muscle and tendon of the elbow region.
  • Swelling near the elbow.

Tendonitis in the knees

  • Pain and tenderness around and behind the patellar tendon.
  • Pain when walking or practicing physical activity.
  • Pain when going up and down stairs.
  • Pain when bending or stretching the leg.
  • Swelling in the knee region.

Hip Tendonitis

  • Hip pain that can radiate to leg.
  • Difficulty moving the leg, walking, sitting or lying on the affected side.
  • Frequent cramps, especially after a rest time.

Tendonitis in wrists and hands

  • Local pain.
  • Edema.
  • Limitation of hand movements.

Tendonitis in the ankles and feet.

  • Edema and tendon stiffness.
  • Intense pain after exercise.
  • Pain when lifting toes and / or stretching.
  • Limitation of ankle movement.

Tendonitis Causes and Risk Factors

It is noteworthy that the tendon is not elastic like the muscle, nor as strong as the bone. Thus, in cases of overload, it is the structure that usually suffers the most.

Moreno reinforces that the causes of tendonitis are almost always mechanical: due to repetitive and prolonged efforts, excessive strength or vicious position. But they may still be associated with dehydration of tendons and muscles, as well as poor diet (which can cause toxins to accumulate in the body).

There are some important risk factors. Moreno explains that there are multiple factors that are associated and, at some point, present the symptoms of tendonitis. The main ones are:

  • Postural problems;
  • Repetitive and prolonged movements;
  • Excess force;
  • Deformities such as shortening of one limb;
  • Foot deformity;
  • The use of inappropriate shoes;
  • Local anatomical causes;
  • General causes such as overweight or obesity, physical inactivity and low aerobic conditioning.

All this, according to the expert, can cause the injury and inflammation of the tendon, known as tendonitis.

How is tendonitis diagnosed?

Moreno explains that the diagnosis is made based on physical examination and patient report.• The specialist will look for signs of tenderness and pain at the patient-indicated locations and perform tendon-specific tests. Imaging can be ordered to assess the degree of inflammation and confirm the physical examination ?, says the rheumatologist.

• After aerobic activities, stretching is a type of preparation for knowing if each body part is meeting the full angle needed to practice movement in that sport and if it is okay, if there is no limitation, pain, or anything else. prevent the movement from being performed. For example, should the shoulder move 180 degrees ?, adds the expert.

It is important to see your doctor when you notice the signs associated with tendonitis, especially when they persist. At the consultation, you need to describe all the symptoms and take the opportunity to ask questions about the problem (for example, ask whether or not you can continue doing a certain activity etc.).

What are the treatment options?

Moreno points out that the treatment should be done immediately with ice in place for 40 minutes 3-6 times a day, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs for 5 days. "There are also analgesic physical therapies such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)," he says.

It is important to seek monitored physical therapy to stabilize the joint, tendons and muscles involved in the function and movement of the affected limb. In severe cases with ruptures (disruptions), disabling pain and impaired function, treatment should only be performed by a specialist ?, points out Moreno.

It is worth mentioning that medications should only be taken if prescribed by the doctor. "Self-medication can mask symptoms, so it's important to have proper and well-targeted treatment from the start, especially in professional athletes," says the expert.

"Tendonitis can lead to pain in the body region, as well as disability, muscle loss, bone loss, chronic pain and sometimes permanent disability in the most severe cases," warns Moreno.

Alternative Treatments

Moreno points out that physical therapies, such as putting an ice pack wrapped in a thin damp towel 3 times a day for 40 minutes for 2 weeks, are critical.

"Ultrasound or shortwave heat, physical manipulation, asymmetrical therapeutic exercises, acupuncture and transcutaneous electrostimulation are also important in treating tendonitis," he adds.

How to prevent tendonitis?

1. Seek medical help. • The best way to prevent tendonitis is, after feeling the pain or any symptoms that resemble a muscle or tendon injury, seek medical advice and start a well-prescribed treatment that involves pain and symptom reduction and intensive and accelerated rehabilitation. . Pain doctors and orthopedists are the most suitable ?, explains Moreno.

2. Reduce the load on sports and maintain high conditioning. For those who play sports, the best form of prevention is to try to reduce the load on the lower limb tendons and maintain high aerobic fitness, as the tendons have no blood vessels and need a lot of oxygen to function well and regenerate fast. One of the key factors to maintain high blood flow and, thus, good oxygenation of the tendons, is hydration or even hyperhydration in cases of strenuous sports ?, advises the expert.

3. Stretching. Stretching before and after exercise is also recommended.

4. Avoid repetitive, prolonged movement, excessive force or vicious position. ? It is necessary to remove all the local factors that can promote the emergence of injuries and avoid accidents and direct trauma ?, highlights Moreno. An important habit that can be adopted, for example, is to take more breaks while working.

Finally, it is worth remembering that only a doctor will be able to say which type of treatment is best for you, whether or not you will need medication. The important thing is to always follow the guidelines of the professional and never self-medicate (which could mask the symptoms of tendonitis).

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