Varicell: the medicine that promises to cure varicose veins

Varicell is one of the most talked about drugs when it comes to annoying and annoying varicose veins. But before you rush to the pharmacy after him, understand how it works, what its indications and contraindications are, and in which cases it is the most appropriate drug.

Varicose veins are a more common problem than you can imagine. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, the problem of dilated veins affects more than 25 million people worldwide. Its main cause is essentially genetic. In other words, the disease is transmitted from parents to children, from generation to generation, leaving people of the whole family predisposed to its development.

However, although they may seem harmless, failure to receive proper treatment can cause harm that goes far beyond aesthetics. Pains, discomfort and swelling are common symptoms that can progress to much more serious problems like darkening and tightening of the skin and even the development of ulcers.

The most prone area to be affected by varicose veins is the legs, because besides naturally suffering more from the effects of gravity, all the weight of the body is concentrated on them? which may end up overloading the circulatory system of the region. However, varicose veins may also appear elsewhere on the body, such as the chest and back. Similarly, if left untreated, the consequences can be severe, even requiring a surgical procedure.

However, before you get to this point, you can look for a series of treatments with proven effective results, such as Varicell.

What is Varicell and what is it for?

Varicell is an orally administered medicine that helps relieve the feeling of tiredness and "heavy legs" typical of varicose veins. In addition, the drug also serves to prevent dilation of new veins.

According to pharmacists Nilton de França Junior and Rafael Saraiva de Andrade, Varicell has in its composition mechanisms with the following active principles:

  • Partially Hydrolyzed Keratin: It works by decreasing pain, heaviness in the legs and swelling, which significantly improves venous circulation in the region affected by varicose veins;
  • And Washed Sublimated Sulfur, Senna Leaf Powder and Potassium Bitartrate: These are three types of weak laxatives that help the intestines to function properly. Therefore, Varicell is also a good medicine for treating hemorrhoids, which are nothing more than varicose veins in the anal region. These compounds help relieve bleeding, pain and the inflammatory process caused by hemorrhoidal disease.

Indications and contraindications

Varicell is indicated for the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and varicose ulcers. It is not generic and requires a prescription to be purchased. So if you are feeling uncomfortable with varicose veins or any of these other problems, the best indication is always to seek medical advice to see which treatment is best for you.

The drug should not be used by patients who are hypersensitive to any of the formula's components or who suffer from other conditions such as appendicitis, intestinal inflammation, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Also "not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding", complete the pharmacists France and Saraiva.

Side effects

Headaches and some mild gastric disorders were found in some patients who used the drug.

Really works?

The effects of Varicell are proven. But the truth is that each case is a case. Therefore, the ideal is to seek a specialist to find out what is the cause of your problem and the most appropriate treatment.

Can it be used as a preventive?

It is important to note that, despite being proven effective, it is not advisable to use this or any other medicine as a preventive without first consulting a specialist doctor.

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