Project Unbreakable Shows Reality of Rape Victims

Statistics show: the number of rape cases is increasing, but still, there are still many situations where victims are subjected to report nothing of the abuse, especially when the event is with close relatives or friends. . Project Unbreakable was born from the idea of ​​photographer Grace Brown in 2011, when she began a series of photos of sexually abused people holding signs with the key phrases of the moment of trauma. The project bears the phrase? The art of healing? (the art of healing) as the campaign's motto, in which people are no longer seen as victims but as survivors of a tragedy that has changed their lives forever, many of which have even gone so far as to attempt suicide.

The series illustrates the reality of women as well as men around the world who find themselves in this situation and who often try to tell the truth but are discredited. The work has taken on huge proportions, and today has its own website and a page on Tumblr, where you can send photos, so that the extent of the project is not limited to where the photographer can reach. Check out some of the countless images that show not only the cruelty of the abuser but the lack of tact of friends and family and even psychologists who are supposed to help with the treatment:

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Male Sexual Abuse | Brett Bussen’s Story Preview | 1in6 (May 2024)

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