What is the ideal age to give your child a cell phone? Expert clarifies the matter

It is inevitable to recognize that ever-improving technology has revolutionized and will revolutionize the search for information, personal and professional relationships, and communication as a whole. If, several years ago, the cell phone became an essential element in the routine of most adults, did this dependence on the phone become even more evident from the moment it became a means of internet access? having today, even, its main function.

Nor have children and adolescents been exempt from all this revolution: quite the opposite, they tend to learn earlier about the functions of technology? especially through cell phones? and, consequently, to desire them in their daily lives.

But what is the ideal age to give your child a cell phone? This is the question that haunts most parents, who understand the important uses of the device but also recognize the risks that its improper use may pose.

When should I give my son a cell phone?

Is it possible to speak at a determining age: 7, 8, 10, 12 years? Or may the answer vary according to the particularities of each child / adolescent?

Andrea Ramal, PhD in Education from PUC-Rio and a consultant, points out that it is worth considering a lot before handing a cell phone to a child before the age of 12. This does not mean that children aged 6 or 7 do not have high technological skills and cannot use them for leisure or learning, at home or at school. But to have the electronic device itself, with internet connection and autonomy of use, it is necessary to have sufficient intellectual and emotional maturity ?, he explains.

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? The problem is not the technology. She is neither good nor bad. The problem is the internet becoming the only environment from which to view the world. Moderation, balance and monitoring are fundamental ?, emphasizes the educator.

That is, there is no fixed, predefined age. It depends more on the maturity of the child. • Parents should look to see if the child has the insight to use these devices with progressive autonomy, as well as to deal with problems they may bring about, such as message volume in WhatsApp groups, access to content that may not be age-appropriate, but we don't have the send / receive control, the control of when to use and when to turn it off (for example, during class) ?, explains Andrea.

Care after giving your child a cell phone

After you give your child a mobile phone, and as much as you trust it, it is essential to be aware of the way the device has been used. The main guidelines for parents in this regard are:

  • Dialog permanently: It is important to talk openly with your child about actions that misuse your phone, such as access to content that is inappropriate for your age or lack of usage limits (not recognizing when the device should be set aside) . "It is necessary to mention these points not only once, but in a permanent dialogue, seeking to form this awareness and progressive autonomy in use," says Andrea.
  • To monitor: According to the educator, it is worth monitoring the use in the first months, to see if the cell phone is being a help instrument or, in fact, is disrupting the child's routine.
  • Set boundaries: As a way of monitoring, according to Andrea, it is worth establishing daily time limits for the use of electronic devices. "A tip is to negotiate the exchange of minutes of use of the handsets for important tasks, such as doing homework or achieving good grades," he explains.
  • Give the example: It is essential for parents to give good examples of how they deal with their cell phone so that their children have a positive mirror. "If you don't want your kids to stop chatting at mealtimes because they're on their cell phones, it's crucial to keep your phone turned off at these times," says Andrea.
  • Do not allow it to be the only means of communication: Establishing daily time limits for the use of electro-electronic devices is already an efficient way in this sense, but, more importantly, it is important to continue stimulating in the child the interest in “face-to-face” relationships and programs, such as family outings, games with friends, activities such as playing ball or cycling.
  • Explain without terrorism: When talking to the child, explain that the internet is like a street in a big city.What parents would let their child walk alone, cross the streets in chaotic traffic, talk to strangers, walk through the crowd? To cross the street the first few times, the child holds in his parents hand, right? The same is true for a child who connects on her own by mobile phone. She will be exposed to a world that has good things but many risks. Will parents need to lead her by the hand initially until she is mature enough? Dialogues like this show that it is not about "forbidding for forbidding." The child understands the meaning and is more likely to follow this guidance?, Highlights Andrea Ramal.

That is, it is important to talk to the child and talk, yes, about the risks that a mobile phone can offer, but without doing so much terrorism (and thus risk further stir the desire to misuse the phone ).

The ideal age to give your child a cell phone can be: 9 years in one family and 12 years in another, for example. Most important is the maturity of each child and also the attention that parents are willing to devote to this issue. After all, monitoring, good examples, and clear and constant dialogue will become key responsibilities of parents at this stage of a child's life.

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